twenty four

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The gentle caresses between my shoulder blades dipped down to my back, waking me up to the most relaxing, soothing massage ever. I opened my eyes to see a pair of deep blue orbs watching me.

J: Afternoon sweetie

Joey cooed before kissing my lips. I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and I nestled deeply between his neck and chest, shutting my eyes. He smelled so nice and felt so warm. After last night, I felt closer to him, more connected. I loved him and Joey loved me back. It was crazy but I was more than fine with it.

J: Let's do something fun tonight

D: Like what

I murmured, eyes still shut.

J: Let's go to a carnival

> > >

The air was cold and the night was black but stars were out and we found a parking spot after 10 whole minutes of searching. Walking hand in hand, we entered the free-entry carnival. Bright colourful lights hung from high above and yellow lampposts were near every corner, decorated with festive Halloween decorations. I pointed at a creepy witch with messy black hair and a long twisted nose. Joey giggled.

J: That's me on the weekend

An organ and spooky music played loudly from speakers and the air was filled with the smell of sickly sweet cotton candy and popcorn. Lots of families were sitting at wooden tables, snacking on food while teenagers rode medium-sized roller coasters. Kids screamed and ran as people wearing gorilla masks stomped towards them.

D: That's also you

I grinned, poking Joey's ribs.

J: Yeah I have that same mask at home

We waited in line for a green and white roller coaster titled, "The Cobra."
It was a long, loopy one and Joey excitedly bounced up and down. He was undeniably adorable.

We waited until it was our turn to go. Joey dashed to the front seat and hopped in.

D: No way! Not in the front

J: Oh come on Derek, it's not gonna crash!

After going back and forth, I finally gave in and sat next to him. A hard
safety restrain automatically came over our heads and pressed firmly against our chests. The operator did a countdown in a mic until she pressed a button, starting the ride.

Joey squealed as the carts slowly dragged us upwards, making dull clinking sounds against the metal structure. I tightened my grip on the restraint and my breath quickened worn anticipation. Clink clink clink.
We were at the top of the ride when I looked down, heart twisting in fear.

D: This is really high, isn't it?

I laughed nervously.

J: Here we go!

Whoosh. In less than a millisecond I was pulled down to earth and my stomach flip flopped. The ride dashed at incredibly fast speed, whipping my face with cold air and wind.

D: Joey!

I screamed as it took a sharp turn and suddenly I was upside down, my butt lifting off the seat. It was terrifying and exhilarating. Joey screamed and raised his arms, waving in the air.


My fear washed away and my adrenaline spiked my bones. We curved to the left, dipping under a large tree and I beamed with happiness. Joey and I grabbed each other's hands as we zoomed up and went through the final loop before the ride came to an end.

J: That was the craziest ride ever!

Joey exclaimed, jumping out of the cart. He helped me up; my legs were jelly. I laughed and kissed his face ferociously.

D: We need to do more of that

I grabbed his hand and together we rushed to other rides, seeking thrill and mindless fun. After an hour and a half of screaming and zipping through the black skies, I began to get hungry.

D: I want tacos. Oh and a churro! Have you tried those before?

Joey shook his head as we walked to a fast food restaurant. Joey ordered himself 3 large veggie hot dogs, fries,
cheese sticks. I ordered 2 tacos, a large fruity drink, and 2 churros; strawberry flavour for me and a chocolate one for Joey to try. Carnival food was expensive; adding up to nearly $45. Joey paid for our meal and I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.


Derek and I found a free table amidst the busy outdoor food court. Our spot was underneath a breezy little green tree and a purple light shone down on us. As we ate, we had a lively conversation about the rides we went on; like which one was the best, which one wasn't that good, and so on. I've been smiling all day and my cheek hurt.

D: Try this, it has chocolate filling

Derek handed me a long churro after we'd finished all our food. I took a bite and instantly loved it. Derek grinned, as if he'd knew I'd like it and he started to eat his.

J: I wanna try the strawberry one

I said, leaning over and opening my mouth to take a bite. It was gooey and sweet, but not as good as the chocolate.

D: I'm having a lot of fun babe

Derek said, kissing my cheeks and nose.

J: Me too, my love

A little girl, about 5 years old, stopped and flashed us a goofy smile. She was missing one front tooth.

X: Awwww! You guyth are cute

She said before running off.

Derek looked at me and burst into giggles.

D: Okay, I don't know if she had a lisp or if her nose was just stuffy

J: Maybe both. I love you, by the way

D: I love you too

My heart fluttered and I was very happy as I pressed my lips against his.

a/n: this story needs to end within the next 10 chapters or so, I started it in August and haven't finished yet oops lol

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