thirty two

250 23 7


I walked in Daniel's hospital room carrying a basket of candies and two stuffed animals; a large brown bear that was incredibly soft and a cute hand-sized elephant with a purple bow.

"Good morning sunshine," I said, bending down and kissing Daniel's cheeks. He remained unassuming and I smiled, trying to ward off my disappointment. I've been visiting him every day for the past two weeks, hoping he'd wake up but he hasn't moved a single muscle yet.

I set the stuffed animals on Daniel's lap to keep him company. He looked so cute and innocent. His swollen lips had healed quite nicely, the gashes were gone and the scratches on his face had more or less faded away.

Daniel's head still had bandages and his legs and arm remained in casts. I made a mental reminder to speak to Dr. Camarena later. I put the candy basket on a table next to his bed and sat down with my head in my hands.

On the days I wasn't at the hospital, I was out robbing corner stores, gas stations, restaurants, and even a drug store which was risky but the cash was worth it. But I had come to realize something, something I hadn't told Preston yet. I didn't feel desire and excitement anymore when I'd steal money. If anything it was tedious and I was beginning to hate doing it. It wasn't who I am. I knew what it was like to struggle for money and live in fear, so why was I instilling fear in others?

I was interrupted from my thoughts when heavy footsteps entered the room. I looked up and saw this
heavy set bald dude talking on his cellphone. He had on a navy blue uniform and a silver badge.

"Oh the trial was today? What was the verdict? Really? Well serves him right!" The man yelled into the phone.
I squinted at his badge when he wasn't looking and saw the name Clark printed on it. The name had a familiar ring to it. I thought back to when I met Daniel over a month ago now. I remembered he told me that Clark was just his friend and now it was obvious he'd been lying.

Clark was obviously a cop too, maybe even his boss because he was way older and had several badges on his collar.

"I'm glad that Shane will be rotting in prison for what he did to one of my finest young men!" He yelled and then he laughed a moment later. "Yes, yes. Justice has been served, almost. I'm in Mr. Preda's room now. Thank you for informing me of the court hearing. Good day chief."

Clark hung up and slid his phone into his pants pocket. Only then did he notice me and raised a bushy
eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"I'm his boyfriend," I said confidently. Some stupid cop didn't scare me.

Clark eyed me, standing a foot away from me. "You look awfully young to be Daniel's boyfriend. You're what, 16?"

"18," I corrected," and I don't believe our personal relationship has any affiliation with you." I spoke crisply with my nose in the air, holding Daniel's hand. Clark's eyes travelled around the room, his gaze fixating on the stuffed animals, basket, flowers which were from Hope, and my store bought get well card.

I cleared my throat and Clark walked out of the room, taking his cell phone out and dialling a number. His voice drifted off as his footsteps got further and further away until they disappeared. I sighed, only realizing now that I'd been sweating beads
of fear.

blue jay | janiel Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz