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I stared at the younger boy in shock, unable to believe my ears.

D: You? Y-you're the one who's been hassling everyone?

I sputtered. Joey grinned at me and shrugged.

J: I wouldn't call it hassling. Think of it as my job; the coolest job in the world. And the easiest too

D: So you're telling me. . .

I said slowly

D: that you Joey, the kid with the blue eyes and baby face robs people and kills them too?

J: That's me

Joey looked proud, without a hint of regret. I tried to wrap my head around it, but all I could do was gawk at him. This adorable boy has killed people. I'm a cop and I still haven't yet. My boss Clark told me there was only one dead body found at a restaurant over a month ago, but it was obviously linked to Joey. I wondered how many people he had killed in his short lifetime. I felt sick.

J: What's wrong?

Joey asked, taking my Chinese takeout from me and taking a large bite. Noodles slipped off his fork and dribbled down his chin.

I shook my head in attempt to clear my mind and I forced a tight smile.

D: Nothing. It's cool

Joey scooted close to me on the couch and wrapped his arm around my neck, dropping a kiss on my cheek.

J: So tomorrow night, my partner Preston and I are robbing a corner store and I think you should come

D: Really? Why do you need me?

Joey smiled and draped his legs over my lap, sinking his back into the couch.

J: Let me introduce you to my world Derek

D: Well then I can't wait 

Joey giggled.

J: Neither can I. Tomorrow night will be a blast!

I shut my eyes and sat on the couch while Joey lay down next to me, talking about old movies he'd watched until I fell asleep in deep discomfort.

blue jay | janiel Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora