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I had just finished getting into black clothing; sweats and a hoodie, when Joey walked in my room wearing similar attire. He grinned and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and squeezing.

J: You look like a mini me

D: I'm older than you

I reminded him, to which he laughed as we walked out of the motel. It was 12:00 am and the parking lot was empty except for a few cars. There was a guy standing in front of a black car and Joey led me to him, holding my hand.

J: Derek, this is my friend Preston

Preston leaned against the trunk with his arms crossed and glared at me.

D: How are you?

I asked, trying to make conversation. Preston only rolled his dark green eyes and huffed.

P: Let's just go

He said to Joey, and we all got inside the car.

J: I forgot my ski mask. I'll be right back

Joey got out of the car and ran back to the motel, leaving only Preston and I in the car. I was sitting in the backseat in silence until he turned around from the drivers seat and gave me a hard look.

P: I don't know who you are or where you came from, but I hate your fuckin ass

D: What?

P: I don't trust you. I don't even want you here but Joey does, so I'll put up with you for now. But just know that I'll be watching you, so no funny games

Tension filled the air and I pulled my sleeves over my hands.

D: Relax, there are no funny games

P: Good

Preston turned back around with a tiny smug look and tapped on the steering wheel.

I sighed and sank into the backseat, hoping Joey would come back soon and he did a moment later.

J: Alright lets go!

> > >

We drove for about 8 minutes until Preston parked the car in front of a large corner store. Joey slipped on his mask and handed me one, to which I put on.

J: Come with me. Just follow my lead

We got out of the car and I followed Joey as he yanked the door open and stepped inside the shop. An elderly man stood behind the counter and he gasped when he saw us.

I looked at Joey, waiting for him to say something but he just grinned and gestured for me to speak.

D: Uhhh

I said feeling unsure. I looked at the elderly man, seeing the fear in his eyes.

D: Can you uh give us the money please

Joey burst into laughter and pushed my shoulder with one hand.

J: What was that? C'mon say it like you mean it!

D: Give us the fucking money!

I yelled at the old man, who flinched and opened the cash register with a blank expression on his greying face. I took all the bills and dumped it in Joey's backpack. Before we left, we pushed over racks of magazines, grabbed handfuls of candy and tossed chip bags around while we laughed and screamed. I never felt so energetic, so alive. Adrenaline pumped in my veins and my heart raced so fast that I almost felt high. I was in such a state of twisted euphoria.

J: Let's get outta this dump!

Joey shouted and we ran outside, hooting and hollering. The car doors were already unlocked and we jumped inside, Joey getting in the backseat with me.

D: Shit that was awesome

J: You see what I mean? And you were a natural!

I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him excitedly on the lips, giggling as we took short breaks to breathe in between. Preston drove the car silently; the only sound coming out of him an exasperated sigh.


The lights were off. Derek pulled the puffy white blankets over our bodies
once I crawled into his bed and rested my head against his chest, feeling his heart beat steadily. Our legs were piled on top of one another and I could smell light cologne on Derek's fuzzy brown sweater. He smelled sweet yet spicy, and I breathed in the scent deeply before snuggling close to him.

D: I feel incredible, like I've really lived today

J: Why don't you feel incredible all the time?

I said quietly, my eyes shut as Derek ran his fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp.

D: I don't know. I guess I'm always following the rules, going by a routine. But with you I feel untouchable, as if none of the rules apply to me, you know?

I smiled half heartedly.

J: That is the feeling of power, lover boy. Get used to it because you're going to be with me from now on

Derek chuckled softly and tightened the hold he had on me.

D: I didn't expect things to go like this., like at all. But I don't know, I'm glad it turned out this way

He mumbled, his voice low and thin.

J: What turned out this way

I asked drowsily, falling half asleep.

D: Nothing

Derek kissed my forehead and hummed a little bit before we both fell asleep in each others arms, tuckered out but peaceful.

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