thirty three

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I ate breakfast at the dining table, which was different because I've always eaten on the couch. I scooped up some honey nut Cheerios and took a crunchy bite. Preston clambered out of his bedroom 5 minutes later.

"Morning," he said, rubbing his dark green eyes. He sat across from me and served himself a bowl of cereal.

"Hey," I murmured, barely looking up from my food.

"How'd it go at the hospital last night?" He asked.

"Daniel's still the same as ever. He hasn't been making any progress yet and it's been like 3 weeks by now. I'm starting to think he'll never wake up," I said, my voice breaking.

Preston pointed his finger at me.
"Now don't you say that. The doctor said it would take around 3 weeks so just gave it time. Daniel will be fine, okay?"

I nodded with watery eyes, not trusting myself to speak.

Preston sighed and pushed his bowl away from him. "It sucks seeing you like this. I'm going shopping later, do you want to come? It'll make you feel better," he said, giving me a small smile.

I shook my head. "I'm visiting Daniel after I eat."

Preston sighed and that's when I remembered something.

"His boss was there yesterday."

Preston's eyes widened.
"No way. Did he see you?"

"Yeah, he asked me who I am. I just said I'm Daniel's boyfriend and then he left."

Preston pursed his lips and and walked over to me, rubbing my shoulder. "Be careful when you're visiting Daniel. Don't forget he's still a cop. Call me if Clark ever comes near you again."

I gave him a little smile, not that I needed his protection or warning but it was nice to know he was there for me. He walked to the living room and flopped down on the couch, turning on the tv. I took a quick cold shower and changed into a pair of baggy dark blue jeans and a grey hoodie. Then I got in my car and headed to the hospital for the hundred time, my faith depleting with each drive.

> > >

"Hey baby," I said as I walked in the room and saw Daniel asleep in his bed. Each time I walked into the hospital I was overpowered by the sickly, old people smell. This time I opened the window and fresh cold November air wafted into the room. I inhaled deeply at the purifying scent, satisfied.

I pulled up a chair and sat next to Daniel, grazing his soft hand. I don't know if it was just me but Daniel's face seemed to be tense.

"Are you there baby?" I asked, a shot of hope running through me. I smiled and brought his hand to my lips, kissing it multiple times. "Oh Danny boyyy," I chirped in a sing song voice. His eyelids moved and he shivered, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin.

"Hey!" I gasped. "You just moved!
Daniel's eyes were still closed but I was in such a good mood that I pinched his cheeks. I was giddy with excitement and I bounced my leg up and down.

"Come on baby, wake up for me," I urged, squeezing his hand. My heart beat wildly as I stared at him, waiting for the slightest bit of movement.

What happened next is one of the best moments in my life. Waves of relief washed over me as Daniel's eyes fluttered open, revealing two beautiful spades of green that glittered marvellously with flecks of gold. His thick lashes batted as he focused his gaze on me.


"Daniel," I whispered, tears suddenly spilling from my eyes. I held his hand tightly against my chest.

"W-where am I...?" Daniel said slowly.

"You're in the hospital, but you're completely fine baby," I reassured him.

Daniel looked at me in confusion and took his hand out of my grasp, furrowing his eyebrows, Then he looked down at his arm and legs, which were in casts and he scrunched up his face.

"What happened to me?"

"You were in a car accident baby. I'm sure your casts will be taken off soon," I said, smiling wide.

I leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. A little smile appeared on Daniel's sweet face and he kissed me back again and again.

"I've missed you so much," I said, caressing his face. "You don't know how happy I am you're awake."

To say I was happy is an absolute understatement. I was ecstatic, I was thrilled; my heart soared and radiated nothing but relief and love for this boy.

Daniel shivered again and coughed a lot, grimacing in pain as he clutched his chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked, immediately concerned.

Daniel struggled to speak for a moment. "It's really c-cold in here."

I sprung out of my seat and shut the window, realizing Daniel was wearing only a thin hospital gown. Then I sat back down and saw Daniel carefully touching the bandages on his head.
"My head hurts," he said.

"I'll call the doctor right away. She'll get you checked up in no time," I smiled.
I stood up and began to walk out of the room. Just as I was about to go in the hallway, I heard Daniel call my name.

"Joey wait."

I turned around, hands in my pocket.

"You called me Daniel," he said.


"Daniel. You found out I'm not Derek."

"Yeah, I did."

Daniel covered his face with his hands and shook his head.

"I didn't mean to lie to you, I was just doing what my boss told me to do. I'm so sorry Joey."

I stood silently as a little smile formed on my face.

Daniel looked at me warily.
"I know it'll change things between us big time, but I need to know: h-how do you feel about me? Do you still...?"

"I love you Daniel. I never stopped."

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