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I spent the whole day walking outside, trying to look for clues. There weren't many people just walking about, no people I could ask if they'd seen anyone who looked shady. The only person who seemed to know anything was be waitress from the diner, but she already gave her vague statement. I walked back to the motel in the evening, sighing and rubbing my forehead. How was I going to find someone who would have any idea who was terrorizing the town?

As I approached the motel, I saw Joey sitting on the curb, smoking.
Here we go again. I sighed, looking around for another way in but there wasn't. I would just have to face him.

J: Derek

Joey nodded, cool and aloof.

I was about to grunt a hi and walk by him, but then I had a thought. Maybe this kid knew something. It was strange that he was so young and living in a motel room. Especially since he was always freshly groomed, seeming to be doing well for himself.

D: Hey, I'm heading to my room so-

J: You look like you could use a drink. How about you and I head on over to a bar?

I couldn't ignore the feeling that Joey for sure knew something, that he wasn't as friendly and sweet as he seemed.

D: Sounds good. Follow me

I turned around and walked to the parking lot, the same direction I came from. Joey walked after me and sat in the passenger seat of my grey car.


I told Derek I knew a pretty good place not too far from here and before I knew it, we were sitting side by side in a dark bar.

I ordered tequila for myself and Derek got himself a plain beer.

After a few sips, Derek spoke.

D: So Joey, have you lived in New York your whole life?

J: Nahh, I actually lived in Boston before but I moved here a while back

Derek's eyes widened.

D: Hey, I'm from Boston too

J: I knew we had something in common

We laughed and Derek nudged me in the arm.

D: So what else is there to know about a guy like you?

J: You first. Introduce yourself to me

Derek paused before answering.

D: There isn't much to know. I'm 22, dropped out a high school a few years back. I had a job selling drugs for awhile, but I've made enough to live comfortably for now

J: What kind of drugs?

I asked leaning forward, gazing into his eyes.

D: Anything a person needed, I had

Derek smirked. I was getting more and more attracted to him with every word he spoke. He was perfect for me; he didn't like school and he wasn't afraid of a little drug either.

D: Now it's your turn

J: Well I'm 18. I graduated from high school last year but haven't bothered with college. It's a waste of time, you know?

Derek nodded.

D: So what've you been doing since you graduated? Do you have family?

J: Family, who needs em

I shrugged. Derek looked questioningly at me.

J: My mom's an alcoholic and dad was pretty much never home. I have a little brother who lives with them

I explained. Derek's face dropped and he reached out to rub my hand.

D: I'm sorry you had to go through that Joey

J: It's fine

I smiled, shrugging it off. It didn't bother me.

Derek moved his seat an inch closer to mine.

D: Well I think you're interesting, Joey

Only then did I notice how sharp his green eyes were, watching me with attentiveness, grabbing onto every word I said.

J: Well I think you're more than interesting, Derek

I leaned in closer to him, only inches away from his face.

J: Really, really interesting

I placed my hand on his thigh and kissed his neck in the dark, to which he flinched the tiniest bit.
I made my way from his neck to up his cheek, in which I pecked twice. Then I smiled and sat back, watching Derek sputter.

D: Wait, uh-what was that?

J: There's a lot more where that came from

Derek's face turned a shade of red and then he smiled sheepishly.

D: Look, Joey. I like you but-

J: Relax man, I'm not tryna do nothing, I just think you're cool and I like you, green eyes

I put my hands out in front of me, showing I was harmless.

Derek looked away and shook his head, as if he was waking himself up. I thought I heard him utter a low "wow" before turning to me.

D: I like you too. You're pretty open and undeniably cute. I think we could get along

My heart fluttered and I found that strange. What was that?

Daniel put his hand on my chin and brought me close, making me look at him.

And then at the same time we locked our lips together, kissing in a slow rhythm. His tongue wrapped around mine and I uttered a small sound. My brain had turned to mush; he was just so good.

When we pulled away a moment later, Derek flashed me a crooked half-grin.

D: Yeah, we could definitely get along

We laughed and I grabbed the collar of his shirt, pulling him close and kissing him again, tasting alcohol on his breath and wanting more.

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