twenty two

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I woke up the next day alone. I wondered where Joey was. I didn't know what time it was but I assumed it was late in the afternoon; I felt like I'd been sleeping for days.

Tired and worn out from the events that took place yesterday, I didn't bother getting out of bed for a long time. I just lay there, my face pressed against the pillow while blankets dressed my bare upper body. Chilly October air breezed in the room and I crumbled up into fetal position, trying to stay warm.

Much time had passed when there was a knock on my door. I slowly got out of bed, hoping to see Joey because I was feeling lonely now. Instead no one stood at the hallway, a sticky note was plastered on my door instead.

Meet me at Cafe Milanos in 5.

I sighed. It was probably Shane. Now I had to get dressed and go see him?

I put on a pair of jeans and a thick black sweater that had circular patches of brown leather in the elbow. I spruced up my dark brown hair by running by hands through it and glanced in the mirror, shrugging at how tired and sloppy I looked. It wasn't like I had to impress Shane or anyone else for that matter.

I got in my car and drove to the Cafe, which had a few people in it. I walked in and found Shane sitting in the back corner, sipping coffee out of a white mug.

I walked up to him and he indicated for me to sit down in front of him.

S: I was hoping you'd come Danny. I wasn't sure if you would

D: What do you want Shane?

I said, going straight to the point.

S: I'm here to offer you a deal

D: Go on. . .

I said suspiciously.

S: You and I both know I am an excellent gambler and I like to spend money on my games

D: Oh boy, do I sure know that. An addict is what you are

S: I'm not addicted, I can stop any time I want

I rolled my eyes. His gambling addiction distanced us when we were dating; he'd borrow money from me and lose it all once he spent all of his own cash.

S: Recently I lost a ton of money and I need to pay some people back. So I'm here today to ask for 20 grand

He looked at me hopefully.

D: 20 grand, are you kidding me? What the fuck Shane?

S: I know, I know, I should have been more careful

D: No, you should have quit! I told you your gambling was going to get you in debt

S: Well I'm quitting right after I get that 20 grand Danny

He was unbelievable. I frowned at him.

D: Do you really think I'll just hand over twenty fucking thousand dollars to you?

S: Yes, because you have no choice

D: What do you mean Shane

I asked, confused and a tad bit nervous.

S: You see, I've hacked your phone. I've been listening to every single phone conversation between you and your boss and I know everything, Derek

D: You don't know anything

I spat but I was becoming afraid.

S: Oh but I do. I know you and that Joey of yours have quite a thing going on. I hacked into the cameras at the Motel Plaza and I see you guys going out and holding hands. You share your room with him and don't come out for the entire night

My heart was beating so loud I was sure Shane could hear it.

S: You think I don't know what you're doing in the motel room with him? Well I do, you're fucking. And I don't know who this Joey fellow is but I'm sure he'll be heartbroken once he finds out you're not who you say you are

D: Are you threatening me?

I growled, jamming my finger in his face. My face became hot with anger.

S: Oh sit back down Daniel, Derek, Danny boy, whatever the fuck your name is today. My offer is simple: you give me 20 grand and in return, I don't rat you out on your new boyfriend. And on top of that, I won't go to your boss and show him video footage of you doing nothing but hanging around at the motel. I'm sure he'd want you outside doing your job, remember that?

D: I hate you

I gritted my teeth, hands balled in a fist.

S: I hate you too. So what do you say?

I glared at him and could not see the man I had once fallen in love with. Now he was literally Satan himself and I wanted nothing more than to smash his head in. I wished I had chosen a different career choice.

S: Hey man focus

I snapped out of my whirring thoughts.

S: So what's it going to be, Daniel?
20 grand in exchange for Joey's love or zero dollars and you lose your little boyfriend?

As much as I wanted to stay with Joey, I didn't want to pay my manipulative jackass ex boyfriend. Even if I did want to, I wasn't rich. I didn't have 20 thousand dollars. What was I going to do?

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