twenty seven

216 22 13


D: You're nothing but a little bitch!

I yelled out the window before rolling it up. Shane's vindictive smile instantly wiped off and he jumped in his car.

I slammed on the gas pedal and roared out of the parking lot. Shane's car was in reverse when I got the road and I knew I had to do one thing:
Get to Joey before Shane did.

I was speeding extremely fast, running red lights and ignoring stop signs. Cars honked at me and I made a sharp turn, avoiding a collision in the nick of time.

I kept glancing at my rearview mirror every few moments, checking to see if Shane was behind me but I couldn't tell with all the other cars there.

After driving for a couple of minutes I began to feel better. I had lost Shane. I'd for sure reach Joey soon and have him deal with Shane, he'd put him in his damn place.

A prickly feeling crept upon my skin, causing me to glance to my right. Driving next to me was the one and only Shane, who glared at me with pure hatred. He slammed his car into mine, causing me to lose control of the wheel. My car skidded wildly to the left and I heard loud honking behind me. I looked in the rearview mirror to see a truck behind me and the driver shouting, trying to warn me about something.

I looked around and realized I was in the middle of an intersection. A big car came zooming out of the opposite lane and once the driver saw me, she flailed wildly in attempt to stop but the car was driving too fast. It got closer and closer to me and I had become frozen.

What happened in the next few seconds could only be described as a lightening bolt. Her car collided into the side of my car, breaking down the hard iron exterior and shattering the windows. Loud crashing burst my eardrums and my head smashed violently against the window, my arm getting crunched as her car rammed deeper into my car.

Blood trickled down my forehead and my eyes struggled to stay open. I heard shouts from outside but they all sounded far far away. I felt myself losing blood and energy with each passing moment and just like that,

I was gone.

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