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I woke up at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in my small yet warm bed, my body enveloped in the cushiony beige blankets. I stretched my arms and yawned before rolling over on my side.

I had a dream, it was hazy but I was standing on a roof top throwing beer cans over the ledge while Derek walked up from behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. He called me a troublemaker and laughed, but said as long as he'd watch over me I'd be fine.

I smiled at the memory and then sat up. I think it was time to talk to Derek.
After last nights incident, I wasn't sure of what he'd say but I definitely needed to see him. He had to know I wasn't the monster he thought I was.

I just. . .needed to see him.

I got up from the bed and pulled a faded brown sweater over my head. Then I slipped into a pair of grey joggers and I ran my hands through my long gold locks. I had a bit of scruff kicking in but I didn't bother shaving it. If anything it would just make me look older and hotter.

J: You here Pres?

I said as I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I didn't get a response and so I fixed myself a bowl of Fruit Loops before sitting on the couch and watching some tv. It wasn't long until Preston came back with a bag of groceries and a carton of cigarettes.

P: Hey Joey, what's up

J: Nothing

I said, not looking away from the tv. Two and a Half Men was on. Suddenly a carton came flying at me and bounced off the side of my head and I heard Preston laugh.

P: There's the cigarettes you wanted. You're welcome

I laughed and took one out, lighting it with the spare blue lighter on the table. I took a few drags before clearing my throat and standing up.

J: Well, I'll be next door. Gotta see how Derek's doing

P: Go check up on lover boy

Preston said in a sing-song voice.
I smirked, mouthing "you know it" and leaving the room.

Standing in the long empty hallway, I knocked on Derek's door. I waited for a moment and knocked again.
No response.Did he go out somewhere?
I pressed my ear against the door and heard a dull sound resonating in the background. It sounded like an open refrigerator door.

The feeling of uncertainty crept in my chest and I twisted the doorknob to which opened. Surprised that it would be unlocked, I slowly stepped into Derek's room and my mouth dropped at what I saw.
Derek was sprawled on the cold floor with a small bottle of pills next to him. He was naked and his cheeks were stained with dry tears. Brown vomit was on the floor and smeared on his chin. He appeared to be unconscious. Or maybe he was dead.

J: Derek!

I dropped to my knees and felt his neck for a pulse. I felt a sudden wave of relief as I felt a weak thumping from his skin against my two fingers. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding and I ran to the bathroom. I took a toilet roll and ripped out chunks of paper and wiped off the vomit off Derek's chin.

Then I took a hand towel, ran it under warm water, and washed his face with it, dabbing it into his smooth perfect skin. After he was cleaned up a bit, I grabbed a clean pair of sweatpants and a sweater and I threw them over Derek's body, covering certain parts.

I picked him up and carried him across the hallway and into my room.

Preston looked up from the kitchen. He'd been chopping vegetables.

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