Chapter 10 - The Festivle

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"Saber wake up" whispered a voice. Saber moaned in her sleep shifting her head away from the voice that was disturbing her sleep. Saber was still in her cat form trying to sleep but a voice from the outside of her dreams where disturbing her.

"Saber sweet heart its time to get up, Its the day of the festival" whispered another voice. Saber began to stir as she heard the word festival. When she opened her eyes she saw Dawn smiling down at her and Eloy who was at the door. 

Saber yawned stretching her claws. Dawn walked out the door and Saber followed her licking one of Eloy's hands as a thanks you for letting her sleeping in his room. Saber changed into her human form and yawned "good morning Mama", Dawn smiled and hugged her "good morning my darling, are you ready for a bath?".

Saber groaned, she was part cat so she hated water and she hated having a bath but she knew she needed one to stay clean. However before she could reply she felt hands on her shoulders, she turned around and saw Lazarus smiling down at her. Saber smiled and hugged him, "morning Papa".

Lazarus hugged her pack "good morning my Saber Tooth", Dawn gave Lazarus a kiss and told him, "I'm just going to give Saber a nice bath". Again Saber groaned at the word bath, Lazarus chuckled and kissed Sabers head, "it'll be a nice bath Saber, go on".

Dawn ran a bath for Saber who was getting ready to have her bath. 



Saber giggled because Dawn was drying her with a towel. 

After getting dressed in warm clothing for the festival Saber ran out of the bathroom getting giddy about going out to the festival. 

However she soon felt herself being picked up. "Hey Saber no need to rush around there's plenty of time" mumbled a voice in Sabers cat ears. She turned her head and smiled when she saw Eloy who was the one picking her up. 

"Saber I cant wait to go to the festival tonight" giggled Silver who was bouncing up and down. "OK everyone don't get too giddy we don't want a hyper Saber or Sliver do we?" chuckled Lazarus who was coming in with Dawn. 



It was night and all the supernatural creatures where buying sweets, riding the rides, talking and playing games. Saber was running, stall to stall looking at different things until she felt a firm hold on her hand. 

She looked and saw Lazarus hand holding onto hers, she tilted her head and had a confused look on her face. "As much as I love watching you going to stall to stall Saber, its very busy and I don't want to see you get hurt or loose you OK so I'm holding your hand. Is that OK my pet" he explained.

Saber nodded her head and saw Sliver who was holding Dawns hand and Eloy who was looking around. Lazarus took her and the others to the first ride and then to the next one and the next one until no one wanted to go on anymore.

The family went down the lanes where they sell toys and sweets. Saber looked at the stalls as they walked down looking at the things there is to buy. "Do you want anything Saber?" ask Sliver as Dawn bought her a doll.

"No not yet but I'm looking Sliver" replied Saber as she looked around. Lazarus looked down at her and saw a stall that she would love. He and Dawn have already bought her a surprise present, he pulled Saber hand a bit coursing her to follow him.

Saber loved the stall, she bought herself a teddy bar and Lazarus got her a lolly pop. Saber loved going to the festival and she loved going out with her family, she was happy with them and she will never leave them no matter what.

Saber took Eloy's hand and dragged him to a ride since it was her idea to come here to cheer him up from his mate, "come on Eloy have some fun, you'll find her in time but right now have some fun and let your hair down". Dawn, Lazarus and Sliver all laughed at the cute little seen in front of them.

Saber was determined to make him happy no matter what. She hated seeing her family sad and unhappy, and when she see's them upset she changes into her Saber Tooth Tiger form and plays with them, or laid down next to them nudging them till there happy or petting her taking about there problems. 

Saber smiled when she saw the smile on Eloy's face knowing her plan worked on cheering him up. She giggled hugged Eloy before running to a stall but stopped when she remembered her Papa's words. Saber turned around and went back to Lazarus taking his hand, as he held her hand and smiled down at her. He also rubbed her hair telling her, "good girl Saber, well done for remembering my words" as Saber nodded and smiling at her Papa. 

However the fun soon faded when they bumped into Asmodeus and his family Yvette, Penny and Ebima, "Saber sweet child how are you?" he asked while glancing at Lazarus for holding her hand. Saber started to shake and asked a bit frightened "how do you know my name?". 

All of them smiled taking off there cloak and masks, reveling there cat ears like Sabers, tails like hers and eyes very similar to her own. Yvette spoke, "we know you because...we are your real parents Saber Tooth. Your our daughter and Penny's' and Ebima's sister" 

Saber was so shocked, augury, upset and confused when she heard the sentence that the woman called Yvette finish all Saber could see throw her eyes was red...

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