Chapter 3

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I woke up to my phone buzzing
"Hello" I was still half asleep
"Hey babe can you come over?"."yeah I'll be there in a bit"

I drove over to Nick's and knocked on his door


"hey Haley"

we went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"listen Haley I'm sorry"

"nick I understand what you want but understand I'm ready"

"I do but promise me you will lose it to me"
"I promise it's just I still have a problem trusting you" I looked up at him
"Haley I told You I was sorry"  I looked down again

"You were talking to other girls saying I was nothing to you do you expect me to fully trust you again" I was getting angry again

"No but I only talked to them I didn't sleep with them" I was so annoyed now "would you have if I didn't catch you?"."Haley." He was cut off by my phone ringing

"hello" I picked up my phone still mad at nick
"Haley I need you to come home right now"."mom why?"
"just please come home its important " I started picking up my bag
"OK I'll be there"
I hung up
"nick I need to go

You Can Be My Bad Boy >> JC CaylenWhere stories live. Discover now