chapter 30

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Haley POV

"Babe can we not go" I mumbled into my pillow.

"Come on baby girl"he yawned and I felt the bed shift

"Ugh fine" I threw the blanket off me and sat up

"I know your tired but graduation is coming up very soon" I put on my makeup and JC just threw his clothes on and pulled out a joint.

"Isn't it to little early" I looked at him threw the mirror while I did my contour

"Its never too early and aren't you a little pretty for makeup" he exhaled the smoke

"Whatever I'll be ready to go in five minutes" he took another hit from the blunt before putting it out.


We pulled up to the school and I just looked in his car mirror just to check how I look.

"You look beautiful" I felt his eyes on me

"Thank you" I looked down so he wouldn't see me smile as I closed the mirror.

We got out of the car and walked into the school. I felt eyes on me and I turned to see a guy looking at me and smiled so I turned before JC noticed but it was to late because JC grabbed my hand and turned to glare at him.

"First period hasn't even started and you already want to fight someone" I said quietly and laughed

"No one looks at my baby girl that way" he smirked at me and butterflies erupted in my stomach at my new nickname.

I heard the hall get louder and I turned my attention to all the stares from everyone, even some dirty ones and I tensed up and JC noticed "it's okay their just jealous".

I grabbed my things from my locker and I could still feel people staring and the whispers. I closed my locker, I just wanted to get to class and put my head down.

"Come here" JC grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him, he cupped my cheeks and kissed me making all the fears melt away

"Is that better?" I nodded and he held my hand as we walked to class.

"Dont listen to what people say,okay" JC turned to me still holding my hand at our desk and I nodded because I can handle this.

"I will, I mean I'm dating JC Caylen"

"I like when you say that".

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