Chapter 13

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Haley POV

"I'm sorry about last night" JC fixed his hair looking at my vanity.

"It's okay"

"No Haley I shouldn't have said you were cock Blocking me because you wanted to get laid"

I rolled my eyes and sat up from my bed.

"It's okay"

I want to ask why he doesn't like Sam but who cares he's been showing affection towards me all day and I can't help but think he likes me to.

"So Kian is throwing a party at his house tonight"

I look at my self in the mirror and JC comes up behind me.

"Yea it's supposed to be amazing"

"Well I already finished my makeup just let me get dressed"

I went into my closest and put on my ripped jeans and a black sleeveless shirt.

"You look hot" he said it so casually and it made the butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"You don't look so bad yourself Caylen"


"Jen you look hot" I yelled as I walked into kians at Jen.

"Me, no you girl" we did our secret handshake. Stupid I know.

"I already told her she looks hot" JC stood behind me and put his hand on my waist.

Jen looked at me funny because JC never really acted that way with me infront of them. JC walked over to Kian to get a drink.

"What the fuck, are you and JC fucking around?"

"No we are just friends" I want us to be more then that but he needs to stop playing

"Okay good don't want him to mess up things with you"


How can you be showing me affection earlier but have a bunch of girls all over you.
Girls have been all over JC and he knows I see him but he don't care because I'm just his "best friend".

"Hey Haley this is....Kayla can you get her another drink for me?"

She gave me a fake smile and put out her cup for me to grab it.
I gave him and her a fake smile and grabbed her cup then threw it back at them.

"Go get your own fucking drink" I walked away and went to get another drink because I fucking need it.

"Well look who's here" I turn from the bottles of vodka to see Sam standing there.

"Well if it isn't Sam" I sip my strong ass drink.

"Hey I'm glad your here"

"Really why?" I give him an innocent smile.

"I didn't get your number and I kinda wish you could've stayed longer" he grabbed my hand pulling me closer to him

"Really why?"

He's cute and JC is flirting with a bunch of hoes might as well talk I mean flirt with sam. hey he's hot to.

"I mean you are a pretty good kisser"

I put my hand to the back of his neck bringing him to my lips because he's isn't a bad kisser either.

"So you making the moves first?"
I smirked at him and nod

"What you don't like it"

"No I like it" I bite my lip and he leans back down and our lips connect again.

I've been hanging out with Sam the whole party and well kissing him because why not. Jen saw us together and gave me a thumbs up with a huge smirk on her face.

"It's getting late let me take you home"

"I came with someone"

"Come on" Sam pulled me closer to him

"Let me go see where they"

I turn and go to the living room where JC is at. He was sitting on the couch with Kian and Connor.

"Haley hey where have you been" he laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"With someone are you ready to go?"

"Nah there is so many girls that want to hook up with me"
Him and Kian laughed

"Then fuck them I'm leaving" I tossed his keys at him

"Haley" Ignored him and kept walking back to where Sam was at.

"I want you to take me home" Sam smirked and grabbed my hand.

"Okay let's go to my car".

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