Chapter 20

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Haley POV

~1 month later~

"People are talking" connor runs up behind me

"Talking about what?" We were walking side by side

"About JC getting back with lia" my stomach dropped

"It's nobody's fucking business and like he'd get back with her" Jen yells putting her arm around me and Connor.

"Why do they think that?"."just because he hasn't been flirting or sleeping with anyone at parties this past month" they roll their eyes.

"That's dumb" I looked forward and saw JC talking to some guys. He noticed me and smirked making me smile and wink at him.

"Today sucks let's Leave" connor took his keys out of his bag

I felt my phone buzz so I took it out and saw message from JC "meet me in the old gym"
"How about I meet up with you guys in a bit I have to do something" I started walking towards the old gym before they could answer me.

I made sure no one saw me go in the old gym and I walked in to see JC sitting on the bleachers
"So why did you call me over here?" I pretended like I didn't know why.

"Come here" I sat next to him and he pulled me into a kiss

"Let's get out of here" I smirked in between kisses and nodded.
We got in his car and started driving to my house.

"I got a surprise for you"
JC said getting put of his car

"What is it?"

"Well you know how I've been working on the back house" he grabbed my hand and started walking to the back.

"Yeah, why?"."I finished it yesterday and your aunt decorated the inside for you"

"Mine it like I have my own small house" he laughs and nods

"Yea now we won't have to be quite" he winks and I roll my eyes smiling

We haven't had sex yet but have gotten close. Many times.


We've been laying In my room for awhile.

"Can I ask you something?" JC asked while tracing patterns on my thigh

"Sure" he was looking down at the hand that was tracing with

"Why did you and nick never ya know, have sex you had been together a long time"

"When we first got together he wanted to wait a year because that's what his parents wanted and then when I finally was it I found out he had been talking to other girls and I think he was gonna have sex with them"

"How do you know that and after that one year mark I'd want to be with you and you only" I got goosebumps

"I went to his house one day and he'd been acting weird for the past couple of weeks, well I went to his house without calling him and when I got there he was acting nervous why I was there and I found a girl there"

"He's dumb" he cupped my cheeks and kissed me "very very dumb" I smiled in the kiss.

"I'm gonna respect what ever you want"

"I want you" he laughed nervously

"Right now because I don't got a condom but I can get one" he rambled

"Not right now" I laughed and he laughed awkwardly

"Yea I know that" I gave him a peck on the lips.

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