Chaoter 5

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Haley POV

My alarm went off indicating it was time to get ready for school.ugh.
I curled my hair quickly and got dressed before walking out the house and driving to school.

I fumbled with my locker since I knew the halls would fill the halls and I would have to find my second period since I missed 1st because of enrollment.
"Hey you need help" I turn to a blonde hair girl that is a little longer then her shoulders  with a black hoodie on "yeah I can't get this to open".
She examines the locker the hits it lightly with her hand and it pops open "yea these locker are pretty fucked up" she turns to me and I laugh.
"I'm Haley and its my first day here" . "I'm Jen can I see your schedule?" She looked over my schedule.
"You have first period with two of my best friends which you'll meet at lunch and 4,6 and7 with me" she hands me back my schedule "I'll meet them at lunch?"."yeah I'm not gonna let you sit alone at lunch on your first day and you have my other best friend Connor for 5th" she smiled and I felt instantly better knowing I won't being eating alone.
"Thank you I appreciate it" we started walking down the hall
"No problem let me walk you to your second period" after she said that the bell rang.

After 4th period ended Jen and I walked to the cafeteria and sat down at the table in the back.
"There comes Kian and JC from your first period, oh JC is also in our 7th" one of them had blonde hair with a cap on and the other one was the same guy I saw yesterday at my house "ugh today sucks" JC plopped down in the seat in front of Jen and the other was Kian right? and he sat in front of me "your the new girl right?" Kian spoke as he sat infront of me "yea I am" he smiled at me and I noticed his nose ring "I knew you had to be new because I would've noticed you before" he gave me and big smirk and JC scoffed at his remark but it made me smile "come on don't mess up our chances on making a new friend again" Jen picked at her food
"What happened last time?" I raised my eyebrow "it was nothing"."he slept with the last new girl but little did he know she was clingy and when he didn't even remember her name she flipped" I laughed and JC laughed a little.
"Well don't worry about that happing again" I laugh and look over at JC because he's been awfully quiet "yea because how can I forget your name which is?" I playfully roll my eyes "Haley and I don't sleep with guys the first day I meet them" I look up at him "what about the second day?" I shake my head "no"."I'm just kidding your pretty cool" we both laughed.
"So JC your working on the back house at Haley's aunts right" I looked over at him and he nodded "yeah after school again, why?".
"I have to go into the city and deliver the stuff to Catherine so Haley can you give JC a ride since your going to the same place?" I looked over at JC but he just put his head back down "yea I can give him a ride"."thanks" he mumbled.

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