Chapter 14

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Haley POV

I woke up to Jc's as wrapped around me but I pushed his arms off of me and got up.

"Ugh what time is it?" JC groaned and I rolled my eyes. Last night he acted like a total ass last night I don't want to look at him.

"Time for you to leave or go to the guest room"

"What why? Your bed is so comfy"

"JC you acted like a ass last night" I walked into my bathroom to wash my face hoping JC would leave but he walked into the bathroom with me.

"I don't really remember last night"

"Well I don't know why you're here and not with all those girls that want to hook up with you"
I dried my face and looked at him threw the mirror.

"Wait You didn't drive me home and what you jealous?"

"No I didn't drive you home and jealous yeah I so was"

I tried to be sarcastic like I always am but I was jealous, I want to be the girl he comes home to.

"Then who took you home?"
I looked away from him trying to ignore the question.

"Haley" I bit my lip and let out a deep breath.

"Sam" who gives a fuck he had these hoes who cares if Sam took me home and made out with me in his car for awhile.

"I told you to stay away from him" he ran his hands threw his hair

"Well Jen was talking to that guy she likes and you were talking to all these girls and Sam was there"

"You could've just pushed the girl I was talking to away from me"

"So you can say I was "cock Blocking you" again and when I tried talking you, you told me to get this this hoe another drink"

"I did that" he bit his lip and looked up at me

"Yea" I sat on my bed and he sat next to me.

"Don't fall for Sam" he grabbed my hand and I'm done with his games.

"Why do you hate Sam so much!" I threw my hands up and he stared at me silently and I know JC he will get quite and not tell you why if he doesn't want to talk about it.

"Just don't trust him" he turned around and threw himself back on my bed.

"He isn't that bad"

"Fine don't cry to me when he hurts you" he muffled but kept his head down.


Short chapter I'm sorry but let me know if you're loving this new version.
If you didn't read the old version it's okay this is just a little different.

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