Chapter 33

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Haley POV

I didn't feel the normal warmth around me and the events from last night replayed in my head.
I pick up my phone to see no messages and I felt sad again but I picked myself up and got dressed. My phone started ringing, so I rushed to see if it was Jc but it was Connor.


"Hey Jc fell asleep at my house so don't worry"

"Is he awake?" I added last of my makeup

"No, not yet" I put down my brush and picked up my bag

"I'm going over there" I rolled my eyes and walked to my car

"Okay, bye"

I'm mad how he acted yesterday but I'm going to get this hungover boy even though he acted like a ass yesterday because no one is taking him away from me. I went into the house and saw Jc sitting on the couch alone with his head in his hands.

"Hurry up an get in the car, I want to get food" he looked up at me surprised but didn't say anything and followed my orders.
I drove to whataburger and got food before driving back to my house.

"Why did you come and get me after what I did yesterday?" I looked at him from the corner of my eyes but I didn't turn to look directly at him

"Because I'm not like those other girls Jc like you think. I'm going to be right here even after a argument, Even if I'm mad"

"Please babe don't be mad I just- I'm afraid you'll leave me too"

"I know you're new at this relationship shit but I only want you even if you threaten to kick every guys ass if they look at me" he laughs and starts eating the fries out of the bag.

"I get like that because I'm scared that you'll see any other guy is better then me" he said it like it didn't bother him but I know it does

I put my hand on his "you treat me like a queen that I am and no one can treat me like you" he smiled and squeezed my hand.

He let out a deep breath
"When I was in the 8th grade me, Connor, kian and Jen became friends with this junior who was everything I wanted to be he was cool and everyone was scared of him and didn't mess with him and every girl wanted him. Me and the guys were basically losers our parents didn't care about us so I was pretty shocked when he became friends with us well this is where it went down hill he had us doing drug transactions for him and we got a little money which helped us out, well it turns out he was pocketing some of the money and told his boss it was us"

"He was using you" we already pulled into the driveway

"Yeah, the boss took us and I told him that it wasn't us and he said he already knew but said if I helped him catch him in the act I could get that guys place so I went to a party he invited me to and he knew it was a set up and we fought"

"Why didn't you tell me this"

"Because I almost killed him, he tried bringing my family into this and I didn't know what you'd think" I wrapped my arms around him

"I'm not going to judge you no matter what"

"Thank you".

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