Strike One ((15))

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Mikes P.O.V
I take my fist back and slam it forward into Fritzs face with all my strength.
"Gah!!" He holds his nose and throws a punch at me, hitting me in the stomach. I grab him by the shirt and throw him into the wall but he immediately jumps forward and tackles me to the floor. I push him off and yank his hair. Just then I look over to my right quickly to see Scott trying to calm Vincent down but failing. Just as I looked over Fritz hit me right in the cheek, but I hit him right back...Harder. There was blood on the floor mostly from him. I heard Vincent screaming, sounding as if he was going into another anxiety attack but I couldn't call him down because if I stopped fighting I'd loose this. So I just kept hitting and kicking the bastard until he looked as if he couldn't take it anymore.
"Okay!! I'm sorry...Jeez..." He sits up, I just glare at him.
"Don't ever try anything like that again. I don't think you understand the severity of his mental disorder." I shake my head in disgust at him. That's when I realized that Vincent was literally having a full blown panic attack. I did this...No! How could I be so stupid?! Why would I fight in front of him?!
"Vincent please!! Just calm down!!" Scott tried to calm him down but was just pushed away.
"Vinny calm down!" I grab his shoulders, he just pulls away from me and continues to panic. I felt so bad...Why did I do this... Just then a few people from the asylum came rushing into the doors.
"What the hell?!" I question loudly and get up.
"I called for help I couldn't help him alone!!" Scott yells. The male employees lean down and grab Vincent by the shoulders.
"Scott how could you?!" I almost tear up at the fact that they may take him away from me.
"LET GO OF ME!!!" Vincent screams and tries to struggle away from them. They hold his arm down and stick a needle into it, pushing the top down. Vincent went from screaming, to completely knocked out in seconds.
"Sweetheart." I kneel down next to him and rest his head in my lap. "Guys please don't take him away from me. I'm part of an official group that takes people from the asylums in to take care of them...Just please give him another chance. I can handle him." I promise the men.
"We use a three strike system. Two more things go wrong and we get him back." They nod and so do I to show my understanding. I look down at Vincent who was still unconscious.
How could I be so stupid?

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