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Me: okay @kevinthetoastlover1 asked do any of you like toast

Vincent: YES!! *fanboys*

Mike: calm down...

Vincent: NO!! TOAST I FUCKING LOVE TOAST!! *fanboys some more*

Mike: watch your mouth. *pats Vincent's head*

Me: ANYWAYS moving on question from @fanfiction4fnaffans asked- um...

Mike: what??

Me: *fucking laughs* how did it feel when you guys um...did it?

Vincent: .....

Mike: .......

Mike: well Vincent? Did i do a good job? *smirks*

Vincent: *smiles and nods while giggling*

Me: .....ALRIGHT THENNN @smolbeanforlifexx asked Vinny what would you do if I tried to make out with you? Haha

Mike: *stands up* bitch is gonna die.

Me: Mike sit the fuck down

Mike: *sits down* ....

Vincent: noooo I wouldn't let them *crosses arms* I'm with mr mikey

Mike: you're so cute *kisses Vinny on the cheek*

Me: I'm so lonely kms anyways ask more questions if you want I'll get back to the story soon 

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