The funeral

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Nialls p.o.v

"Are you ready?" I asked Isabella who was Zipping up her black coat. She nodded.

We walked down to the local church, as where Madison's coffin would be burried. We walked silently into the church and took our seats o  the front row.

"We are gathered here today, to say goodbye to Madison Horan, and we all hope she will have fun and be safe up in heaven, with God watching over her. We will now have a few loving words from her close family" The vicor spoke.

I rose from my seat, clenching the sheet of paper in my hand. I walked up to the front and took a deep breath.

"As you all know, Madison was not biologically my daughter,  I adopted her from a local orphanage. She was twelve and was such a lovely girl. She had been broken, abused, and it had knocked her confidence greatly. She was recently kidnapped, as you may of heard on the news not so long ago. We fixed her, as a group we managed to boost her confidence, show her that everyone isn't an abuser, showed her the outside world that she hadn't seen before.

She meant the world to me and the rest of the boys. She was also really close to Isabella. She was such a loving and caring girl who wouldn't hurt a fly.

I really hope she is safe up there and has fun and we all want he  to know that she will remain in our hearts as long as we live. I love you Madison"

I walked back to my seat. A few people clapped, others were crying and some were doing both. Harry stood up and took my place at the front of the church. He cleared his throat and began to talk.

"Madison was the sweetest little girl I have ever known. She was broken at such a young age. She was eleven when she was adopted by us. We boosted her confidence, she felt like she could trust us, and we liked that. She became a happy normal young girl until she got kidnapped.

We don't know who kidnapped her. She was gone for five months. That was five months of torture for her and for us. We didn't even know of she was alive.

We were driving along the road when one of us saw two figures down an alley way. it turned out to be Maddie and Isabella. Maddie was on the edge of death. She made it though and Isabella stayed with us. Maddie was a really cute young girl and she will never be forgotten by me. I love you Mads"

Harry was crying by the end of his speech. He looked at her coffin and came to sit back down. Zayn walked up next.

"Maddie and I didn't really speak much. It was more of a silent relationship, she would hug me a lot or draw with me, sometimes we played games together.

I helped her a lot through her anorexia and she was happy. She was mute for a long time. and she spoke to me. I remember her writing down

'I will speak when I'm ready, I promise'

I didn't actually think she would start speaking. Her first words were said to me. I quote

'Zayn, than  You for everything these past few months. Without you I wouldn't be ready to speak right now'

She was a cute little girl and was terribly broken. When we adopted her she would flinch every time someone tried to touch her. She then got kidnapped and was fed once a week. She became anorexic and wasn't allowed to be in stressful situations. Whenever we went to perform shows she would sometimes have a panic attack. I was the one who could calm her down again.

She was such a happy girl, who loved to go to school. Unfortunately her life was ended by a drunk driver. I love you Maddie and you will always have a space in my heart."

Zayn nodded and sat down. Liam went to give his speech.

"Most of it has been said by the other lads, but Maddie was the nicest girl I have ever met. She was broken, we fixed her, she then got broken, we had just fixed her when she was hit by a car.

We all loved her dearly and she will never be forgotten. She will remain in my heart Forever and I hope to meet her again one day when I die I hope to join her. I love you"

Liams speech was short but sweet. Again people clapped and Louis walked up to talk.

"Madison Horan was really close to me. She called me Uncle Lou and we Would always mess about. We had so much fun. We found out she self harmed, because of stress and we helped her through it.

We were devastated when she was kidnapped. She was starved and all you heard this from the boys, so I will keep it short and sweet.

Madison, I hope you realise that we love you and will always love you."

Louis sighed, a tear rolling down his cheek. Isabella quickly hopped up and held his hand pulling him to the front. I guess she wanted someone with her while she spoke.

"Maddie and I had a connection that only we understood. We claimed to be sister, event though we aren't biologically. I was a happy girl living at home. Some guy knocked on my door and I answered it. One man shoved me in a van and the other killed both my parents.

I was driven away and dumped in a basement. There was another girl down there. it turned out that it was Maddie. While we were being held in this basement we became very close.

We did everything together and she was definitely a fighter. unfortunately she got hit by a drunk driver and died. I love you and will miss you forever sis"

Isabella ran into Louis and hid her face in his neck and cried. Her speech made me cry too. it was full of emotion. Louis picked Isabella up and came to sit down.

A/N: This chapter made me feel sad while I was writing it. The next chapter is the last chapter of the sequel. Thanks for reading, you have been amazing.

10 comments for an update.

Mollie x

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