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*(Y/N) POV*

I walked off the stage after jumping up and down and shouting one last thank you to everyone, I then headed towards my dressing room, still hearing the fans scream my name. I smiled to myself as I sat down and looked at myself in the mirror. I was sweating and tired but the adrenaline was still running through my veins, making me want to climb a mountain. I'll never get used to this feeling

I had it all, all I could ever want. I smiled at my reflection as I placed my headphones on. Love Me Right by EXO began to play, I hummed along smiling. I was a huge Kpop fan and EXO was one of the reasons I began to dance and sing, if it wasn't for them I would have never made it were I am. It still seemed unbelievably that I'm on top of the world just like them, well almost like them.

Before becoming famous, I was nothing but a fangirl with big dreams. Some how I got noticed at a local restaurant that I sang at, at last minute for a close friend as a favor. I smiled remembering how I couldn't believe it was actually happening to me. It all happened so quickly and now everyone knows my name, it's just so surreal I'm still not used to people knowing me.

"(Y/N), it's time for your interview with your fans asking the questions" My manger explained I nodded in response and put my music away heading towards the door.

Saying that I was nervous was an understatement, I'm completely loosing it at thought of messing up in front of my fans. They look up to me and I don't want to disappoint them. I walked up a different stage and sat behind the table facing them, as soon as the fans saw me they lost it. Screaming and crying I was extremely shocked. Even after already doing this for awhile I still wasn't used to people reacting this way to just seeing me. I smiled widely at them.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N) and please ask me anything you'd like, you guys are my family after all" more screaming and crying I shyly smiled at the response, it was true I wanted to be friends with all my fans, I wanted them to treat me like anyone else.

Treat people how you want to be treated.

The mic was given to a girl in the front row of about six rows of chairs. I'm a bit disappointed that only a small amount of my fans were allowed in this interview, if I could I'd want them all here.

"Um-I-Uh what's your favorite color?" The girl asked scared, clearly nervous as well.

"Uh I love (Y/F/C)" I smiled trying to make the girl less nervous because I'm only a person after all, she had no need to be nervous. She nodded and wrote down my response smiling to herself.

The questions continued to poor in I happily responding to each one. Some were deep questions while others were extremely ridiculous, but I grinned ear to ear with each question. I never imagined people would want to know so much about me.

"What's your favorite type of music?" A guy looking quite flustered as he avoided my gaze asked pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I really like Kpop" I replied honestly, proud of what I liked, most of the fans seemed a bit surprised and immediately wrote it down and whispered among themselves.

"Who's your favorite Kpop Singer then?" Another girl asked quickly.

I blushed a bit, but quickly shook it off and grinned. Kyungsoo was the first person to come to mind. He is my number one bias after all. He's all I could ever think about when I became a fan.

"D.O from EXO" I simply stated trying my best to hide my nervousness. It wasn't a big deal but it was the first time being asked that question and I didn't know how they would react to my answer.

"Why?" She asked quickly after my response, I thought about my next words carefully I didn't want to say something that implied anything no matter what I feel.

"He has an amazing voice, and a very adoring personality." I said, which was true but only a bit of what I actually thought of him, I didn't want to say more and start a commotion.

"Do you like like him?" Another girl asked making me choke on my spit as my eyes widened in shock, oh no.

Am I even aloud to answer that? I looked towards my manger for help. I knew what a simple answer could erupt. The news was harsh and would stretch out whatever I said. I didn't want to cause drama, it had already happened once before. I once in a interview said that I didn't like the cold. They changed it saying I encouraged global warming! It was a huge mess, and was all over the news.

"Uh-well" I stuttered I knew I liked him but as a fan I couldn't answer this question it'd cause trouble.

"Why don't you answer, is it a yes then" another said, my manger quickly ran in front of me.

"I'm sorry to inform this but (Y/N) has to leave, were sorry to have to cut this short" my manger explained guiding me back towards my dressing room.

As I left I could hear my fans complain. I shouted a quick sorry as they responded saying I was so nice and caring, while some said some not so nice things about my manger.

Once I was back in my dressing room I was told to change and get ready to leave and head home. I did as I was told. I dressed warmly and comfortably and headed outside into the black van ready to leave. Once in the van I pulled out my phone and checked my social media. My jaw dropped immediately I couldn't believe it.

My fans have started to tag me in pictures where I and D.O came out. All the comments were about D.O and I. My heart literally stopped when I saw that the most trending thing right now was our ship name. I wanted to be buried alive right now because he was being tagged as well. What if he sees this? Most of the post said that I'm in love with him. I groaned loudly earning a strange glance from the driver. I turned off my phone and mentally prayed this commotion would die down by tomorrow, and he hopefully wouldn't notice.

Once we arrived at my apartment I practicality ran there. I quickly got ready for bed. I'm exhausted and I couldn't wait to sleep in since I have nothing scheduled tomorrow. As soon as my head hit the pillow I passed out, but the last thought that ran through my mind was, Did he see anything yet?

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