Chapter 19

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(Dom's POV)

I planned to talk to Erica first thing in the morning, just the two of us. When we met for our eat all you can breakfast I noticed that Erica is avoiding me which made me hard to carry out my plan. So when I saw her alone by the salads I grabbed the opportunity and cornered her.

"Why did you told Jeric that I was leaning far at the railings?" I growled under my breath.

Is that fear in her eyes? That's good. She should be afraid.

"Dom. I'm sorry. It was supposed to be a harmless prank that went way out of hand." She blurted.

"I'm listening." I urge her to explain further.

"I only intended to surprise but I slipped when I went behind you and accidentally pushed you."

"Why didn't you told that to Jeric instead of the story you made up?" I hissed.

"He looked really upset back there. And I got afraid that he'd be mad at me." She reasoned.

I didn't answer.

"I'm really sorry." She told me before she head back at our table.

(Jeric's POV)

"What did you talked about?" I asked Erica when she got back at our table.

"Dom seemed upset that I told you she was leaning far at the railings." She reluctantly answered.

What's up with Dom? She's not usually like that. Yes she's reckless like hell but she always takes the responsibilities of her actions.

"I'll talk to her. It’s not your fault." I announced.

"Please don't. She asked me not to tell you about what we talked and I don't want her to get more angry at me." Erica blurted

I looked at Erica.

"Please?" She pleaded.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Her anger will pass naman." She reasoned. "I'll talk to her myself when she cooled her head off."

I kiss Erica on her forehead and I saw Jeron and Almira look at each other.

"I don't think Dom can do that." Jeron said while we get ready for Island hopping.

I stopped what I'm doing and looked at Jeron.

"I don't think she's mad at Erica because she told that she was leaning far, I guess it’s about something else." Jeron elaborated.

"Are you saying Erica is lying?" I asked feeling a little annoyed. Dom and I are best friend but Erica is my girlfriend.

"How long do you know Erica anyway?" Jeron asked.

"Four months." I answered wondering where this is leading.

"How long do you know Dom?"

I didn't answer. There's no need to answer Jeron's question because I know he already knows the answer. He just asked me that to get me thinking. And he succeeded.

We met at the hotel lobby, Dom is nowhere on sight.

"How long Dom will take before she could get down here?" I asked.

"She's not coming." Almira answered like saying ang sungit mo kasi kuya e.

"Let's go." I said.

I won't let this trip get spoiled because of Dom's stubbornness.

Unfortunately, no matter how much I try to enjoy the activity, I didn't have fun. My head was somewhere else. We were back at the hotel at 6pm. We rest at our own rooms and planned to meet at 7:30 for dinner. Tonight is our last night here in Palawan. Tomorrow we will go to Puerto Princesa and stay there for lunch and shopping then we will board a flight to Manila.

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