Chapter 22

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(Dom's POV)

'Wear something nice. I'll pick you up at 7pm.'

I had been staring at Jeric's text message.

Me: Is this a joke?

Jeric: No. It's a surprise.

I can't stop smiling from ear to ear. I know how ridiculous I currently look even without looking at a mirror. Well, if Jeric say so...

I finished my shower within a few minutes and I'm already inside my walk in closet to pick an outfit for Jeric's surprise.

I had chosen a black demin pants paired with white off shoulder long sleeves top and black platform boots that ends three inches above my ankle. When I finished tying my shoe laces I wore a silver hoop earrings decorated with Swarovski stones around it. I applied my signature make up, cat eyes and cheek and lip tint. I loosely braided my hair on the right side of my hair and secured the ends with a black ribbon.

Jeric came to pick me up five minutes before 7pm.

"Aren't you going to tell me what this is about?" I asked him while he drives.

"No." He answered.

"Why not?"

"Because if I did it won't be a surprise anymore. Silly." Jeric replied.

"So you're keeping it as a secret?" I asked again.

"For the moment yes." Jeric said. "You look gorgeous today."

"Hmmmph! Nililibang mo lang naman ako e." I answered.

He laughed.

"Really Dom. You look beautiful." He said.

"Jeric. Ang galing mo talaga sa basketball." I said.

"Ha? Bakit?" He asked.

"Ang galing mo kasing mang bola."

Now it's my turn to laugh.

"Very funny." He remarked sarcastically.

"Yeah, I know it's corny." I smiled.

"Why did you laugh then?"

"Malay mo, madaan sa tawa." I grinned.

Jeric smiled.

"Could you at least tell me where are we going?" I asked.

Jeric pretended that he was thinking about it.

"No." He answered.

"Are you planning to pass your draft for this season?" I gave up of trying to make Jeric spill the beans and change the topic.

"Yes." He smiled.

"I know you'd do great." I smiled. "Now I thought about it, I realized that I miss watching you play."

"You miss me?" Jeric grinned.

"I said I miss watching you play." I clarified.

"So you don't miss me?" He asked.

I looked at him doing puppy eyes for a moment.

"Stop that." I said.

He didn't.

"Fine! I miss you." I declared. "But I miss you play more."

"I could shoot some hoops for you before we head for dinner." He offered.

I thought about it. Jeric looked really good in his brown pants and light blue long sleeves.

'Maybe next time. I don't want to spoil your good look today.' I answered in my head.

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