Chapter 23

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(Dom's POV)

I had been lying on my bed with Mustang, who is sleeping peacefully beside me. I envy him. I want to sleep but my thoughts keep me awake.

I planned to keep my feelings for Jeric to myself. How come I confessed it to Jeron and James? Having Jeron to share my secret with made me feel better. I have no problem with Jeron. It’s another story when it comes to James, it made me feel uncomfortable. What if the word came out? Yes, he deserves to know. Yet still, I have this second thought if it is a wise decision for me to tell him that I love Jeric. James and I haven't talked much during the rest of the night after I admitted it to him. I wonder what's in his head right now. But I guess I can deal with James. Let it be who'll know my secret. As long as it's not Jeric... Or Erica.

My phone beeped. For the first time I was hoping that James texted me and for the first time I'm not happy to see Jeric's message. I'm still angry at him.

Jeric: What are you doing tonight?

After about a minute of debating against my soft self, my pride won and I pressed the home key of my phone.

An hour, more or less, passed and my phone beeped again.

'Jeric could be really stubborn when he wants to.' I thought.

I was expecting to see a message from Jeric. But this time it is from James.

James: Can I come over?

Me: Sure.

James: I'm already outside.

I walk straight outside or house after I read James message without stopping to check if my hair is messy.

I saw James sitting by the passenger's seat, with its door left wide open.

"Hey." I greeted him and smiled a little.

He smiled warmly at me and reached for something from the back seat.

"This is my passion back in high school. I haven't played again since 2nd year college." He explained to me with a guitar on his hands. "I'm a little rusty."

James started to play Gives you Hell by The All-American Regects. He was really good, if that was rusty to him I can't imagine how good he is if he still plays regularly.

He started to sing the lyrics. Ok. He was good with playing the guitar that's all I can say.

James stopped singing and playing after a few lines.

"That sounds bad." He laughed.

I chuckled.

"This is embarrassing." He smiled.

"Keep playing." I encourage.

"Do you want me to sing again?" He joked.

I shook my head 'no'.

"Just play." I answered.

He chuckled and started playing the song from the top. And this time I sang the lyrics.

James looked surprised but pleased when he heard me sing.

We were in the middle of the song when we stopped. A pair of head lights shone directly on us. I turned to see who it is. When my eyes managed to adjust I saw a black Genesis. Jeric's Genesis!

(Jeric's POV)

Dom wasn't answering my calls and replying to my texts for almost two days so I decided to come over. I dialed her number when I entered their subdivision but she didn't pick up. I guess I'll just surprise her then.

When I drove to their street I saw James playing a guitar and Dom singing for him. They looked like enjoying each other's company. I was surprised to see them together and they seemed to be surprised as well when they saw me.

"Jeric?" Dom called. "What are you doing here?"

"I was in the area so I decided to drop by." I lied.

"Am I disturbing something?" I eyed James.

"No. We were just goofing around." He answered

How could he relate Dom's singing with goofing? She's has a very beautiful voice. That's far from being silly. It’s special.

I replied with a scoff.

"I should better go." James excused himself.

"Yeah, you should." I coldly replied.

"I'm not going because of you, just to be clear." James snapped at me, looking straight into my eyes.

"Bye Dom." James said.

Dom only managed to nod.

"Why are you not answering my calls?" I asked Dom when James drove away.

Did I just sound jealous?

"If you haven't noticed, I'm mad at you." Dom snapped on me.

"Do you really think that I'd be glad to set you up to that James?" I answered. "I don't even like him getting near you."

Is she blushing? Or I'm only imagining it?

"Why did you let Erica do it then?" Dom asked, softening a little.

"I didn't know that she inivited James." I reasoned.

She thought for a while.

"Are you... Do you like him?" I reluctantly asked.

"He's a good guy..." She started.

"And?" I encouraged.

Dom sighed.

"I don't like him at the moment... But there's a chance that I might like him." Dom answered.

Mixed emotions. That was I felt when I heard Dom said those words. Emotions that I can't identify anything else but one, worry. And I guess it showed well in my face.

"Don't worry about me." Dom said. "I can take care of myself, you know that the most."

"That doesn't mean I can't care about you." I explained.

"Why do you care so much about me anyway?"

"Ano bang klaseng tanong yan?" I smiled. "You're my best friend."

Dom smiled back meekly.

"What?" I asked.


"And there's that 'nothing'." I said.

"Wanna go in? I bought 2k14." She offered.

"You don't have to ask."

(James' POV)

I regret leaving Dom with Jeric. I shouldn't have left, no one asked me to. Dom didn't asked me to, she's the only one has the right could ask me to leave anyway.

Panira naman ng moment si Teng. Kung kelan naman na nageenjoy kami ni Dom tsaka sya dadating. Dumating lang sya nasira na yung moment namin. Tapos mukha nanaman syang tigre. Kala mo naman may masama akong ginagawa o may masama akong intensyon kay Dom.

I really like Dom. And I think I'm starting to fall hard for her. But she already loves someone else. And not just someone, it's Jeric Teng. The Jeric Teng. King Tiger/ Basketball superstar/ heart throb/ Dom's best friend.

So what if she's in love with the Jeric Teng. Besides she fell for him before we met. Compared to Jeric, Dom and I have a lot more in common. I noticed her from the moment I first saw her. I'm not someone who failed to see what a gem she is even after spending years with her. Most of all, I love her.

This is the first and last time that I will move out of Jeric Teng's way.

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