Chapter 27

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(Dom's POV)

Our helper is waking me up for breakfast. There's no need to wake me up because I wasn't able to sleep and I am awake the whole time. I ignored her knocks and calls at my door and pretended that I am sleeping. I can't come out of my room because my eyes were puffy from crying.

After a few minutes our helper left me alone. I lie motionless at my bed with my eyes closed hoping that I would fall asleep. But my thoughts kept me awake. I stood up and head to my computer.

I was sitting in front of my computer staring at its black screen. I was originally planning to play a game to distract myself but I ended up staring at the nothingness and hoping that everything was like before. When Jeric Teng, the King Tiger is my best friend. When Jeric is a best friend to me. When I'm not in love with him. When everything was perfect.

How something so special like love could ruin everything? How could I ruin everything? How could I fall in love with my best friend? How can I fall in love with the King Tiger when he already he already have his Queen Tiger?

I felt tears running down my cheeks, again. I thought I already cried myself dry. Na kahit gano pa kasakit, wala na kong maiiiyak kasi ubos na yung luha ko. Akala ko wala na kong mailuluha. Meron pa pala. Madami pa pala.

I almost fell faster when I hear Jeric's voice call my name. Am I hearing things?

"Dom." Jeric called again.

I felt a silly relief that I am not crazy. At least my heart is the only thing broken. My brain is still working well.

"Are you awake?" He asked.

I can feel the sadness in Jeric's voice.

Because of my stupid feelings for him, I didn't only hurt myself. I also hurt him. I hurt Jeric. The pain that I feel like forever was masked by stronger feeling. Guilt.

I shouldn't have loved him. I should have avoided him until I was over him. I should have kept my distance. I should have admitted to myself that this love is wrong. Wrong person, wrong time and wrong circumstances.

"Dom." His called again in a sadder voice.

I could do nothing for him now but keep myself away from him. I will keep my distance. I won't be able to hurt him again. This time, for sure.

I picked up my earphones and played some random songs so that I won't hear Jeric's voice. I should not hear any of his calls because don't know how much I could stop myself from going to him.

(Jeric's POV)

Standing in front of Dom's door and kept calling for her even I don't receive any response made me feel the same thing that I felt last night when Dom went inside and left me standing in front of their gate.

I felt alone.

Dom's a big part of my life. But I didn't realize that she meant so much that went she walked away out of my life made me feel incomplete.

I felt a different person without her. When she left me, it felt like a part of me was gone.

After Dom turned her back to me and left. It made me think of something Fortuna said. Dom has the ability to annoy the hell out of me. Mapipikon nya ako sa mga bagay na kadalasan ay wala naman sakin. Kayang kaya nyang ubusin yung pasensya ko. And even she had this talent on making me irritated she also had the talent on making me happy. She had the talent on bringing out the best in me too. I smile when I remembered the strength that I feel after fatigue overpowered me during a game when I get to see her cheering for me. I feel that I could handle any problem when she listen and pat my back. I feel that I could face any challenge when she's standing beside me. Did I felt anything like that to Erica? No. But I love Erica. I love her long black hair, chinita eyes, mestiza skin, and tall figure. Is Fortuna right? I'm in love with the idea? I love her because she's my dream girl, nothing else. Maybe I really loved Erica. But I guess as fast as I fall in love with her, I fall out of love.

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