Chapter 20

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(Dom's POV)

Today is our last day in Palawan. I decided to wear Von Dutch shorts, tangerine empire waist cami and black wedge high cut sneakers by Converse. The only accessories that I wore today were the charm bracelets from Jeric.

At 9:30 am, we checked out and traveled to Puerto Princesa. After we had Lunch went shopping for souvenirs and pasalubongs. Around 4 pm, we ate heavy snacks and head to the airport. We boarded the plane by 6:15 and by 6:45 were back in Manila.

Our drivers were already waiting for us when we went out of the arrival area. We bid farewell to each other and part ways.

When I reached our residence I was relieved not to see James in front of the gate. He had finally given up. Another perk from my trip.

I had this silly smile on my face as I walked inside of our home.

No pest for good.

"There you are."

James was sitting in our sofa watching television! There were boxes of pizza at the table. Was he eating too? Seriously?

I immediately tried to recall what's the combination of my Dad's honey safe. And mentally picked a gun that I will use. Shotgun sounds promising. But before I could get the chance to fantasize shooting James mercilessly Kuya Leo arrived from the kitchen holding two bottles of beer.

"How your trip?" Kuya asked me.

"What is he doing here?" I asked.

"I took the chance to get to know him." Kuya explained.

"Why would you do that?" I snapped.

"I'm your Kuya. I should know what kind of person you date."

"We are not dating!" I hissed. "How the hell did you two met?"

"I saw him waiting for you outside four days ago. After seeing him by our gate twice still waiting for you I let him in and we had a chat. You didn't even told James you'll be gone on a trip." Kuya told me.

"Why did you let him in? Ano yon para kang nagampon ng pusa?"

"That's rude." Kuya remarked.

"Ok lang yun Kuya Leo." James butts in.

Kuya? How dare he call my Kuya, Kuya?

I observe them for a moment. Kuya handed one of the bottles of beer to James. They were drinking, eating pizza and watching NBA together. And they looked like old friends. I was gone for three nights and four days tapos close ka na sya sa Kuya ko? How long was four days?

“Don’t you have pizza, beer and tv at home?” I asked James.

“I know you know that I didn’t come here for this, though I enjoy Kuya Leo’s company and I’m glad that he invited me.” He answered.

“You invited him??” I snapped at Kuya Leo.

Kuya replied with a smile.

I grunt in desperation.

Both of them kept their eyes on the television, acting like innocent little children who were watching cartoons.

“What is this about?” I gave up.

"Give him a chance Dom.” Kuya Leo started.

“Do you know what you’re saying?” I asked my older brother.

“He seems to be a nice guy and he really likes you.” Kuya informed me.

“How did you convince my brother to talk to me about this?” I asked James.

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