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I had told Law that I was going to bake with Amy, so I had to bake with Amy, or else things would get messy. REALLY MESSY. Someone would ask Amy about it, she would say she didn't know, and it would set off gossiping, eventually reach the boys, and I face the wrath of Law and his dissecting kit.

So, I hurried down to the lockers, "Hi Amy!" I said as she shut her locker door, "Oh hi (y/n)" and taking her small pink handbag took out a mirror and lipstick, "You really don't need it Amy" She smiled, "That's sweet~ Now, what do you need?" I laughed, Amy always said that to change the subject, "You never change... Now, you remember last week, I asked to bake a cake with you? The week you were working with Kid?" Amy paused, "YES! YES! YES!" She squealed, "YES! Lets go bake our cake!"

We rushed down with excited laughter, and came to the newly refurbished kitchens, and to my utter shock, horror, disaster, tragedy and awkwardness, SANJI, of all people, WAS F ING STANDING HERE. COOKING. GREAT! How was I meant to be normal when he was here?! And it looked like he was PEELING the onions, and I don't know a lot about cooking, but you peel the onions near the beginning! Oh why God?

But I'd forgotten I had Amy with me, so I could smoothly get her to talk to him, and make it less awkward! Yes brilliant (y/n)! I looked round, and Amy was gone. Sh*t.

"Amy?" I called, but there still was no answer, "Your girlfriend went to the ladies I think" Sanjis voice said, "O-oh" I wonder why she didn't tell me? "W-wait! SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Sanji kept peeling and chopping, "Fine. But if you treat that lady badly and make her wait..." He glanced round, "You'll answer to me"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MAKE HER WAIT!?" I said angrily, he chuckled, "She's obviously into you" My teeth gritted, "She's a FRIEND" He seemed to grin, "Anyway, I'm not even a-" Before I could finish Amy ran in excitedly, "OUTSIDE!" He squealed, and grabbed my hand, "Huh?" She ran quickly for a girl in heels!

We were brought to a large crowd circling Luffy and Teacher Crocodile, it seemed like a fight... I think this was quite an enormous one too, Vivi looked as though she was trying to stop the fight screaming from the rooftop, and all the teachers and students there were rushing and screaming about, it was chaos, and the hole school was starting to rush in!

I better get away, it was going to be messy, "Amy, lets go, it's not safe here" I grabbed hold of Amy's hand and ran back to the kitchen.

"It seems like a big one (y/n)! I really really hope Luffy wins!" I looked round, "Yeah, I guess so" Amy and I finally made it back to the kitchens, and I could smell the most wonderful cheesy smell! What was it? Amy sniffed the air, "Mmmmm....Smells nice...." We followed our noses, and reached Sanji, "OH HELLO AMY CHWWAAAANNNNN!"

Damn. I wish he didn't do that. Amy sweat dropped, "Uhh... hi." I quickly intervened, "So! Sanji! What is that?"

He looked round, "Oh this? It's a lasagne" Amy's eyes glittered, "Can we try some?" I joined, "Please!" He glared at me, "Only cos the lady wants it" I glared back at him, "Thanks" I snarled and he snarled back, "You're welcome" I could feel Amy getting uncomfortable, "Uh, guys?"

I stopped and ate my slither of lasagne and of holy Jesus Christ it tasted like enlightenment. I had to have his cooking again!

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin