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"SANJI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He shrugged, "I burnt Sir Dolflamingos cloak" Doffy's face swung his head round, "I had to buy a new one" He growled, I chuckled, "Why in the world would you do that?"

He shrugged again, and sat beside me, "Scotch egg?" I licked my legs, "Yep!" He handed me one and I happily munched on one, "I wish Ace was here"

Sanji grimaced, "That shirtless idiot?"

I defended my friend, "He's no idiot! He gets more ladies than you do!" Then he scowled back, "At least I know how to treat a lady properly"

Then Doffy swirled round in his chair, "You two need to get along, it's a three hour journey" My mouth gaped open, "Isn't anyone else coming?" He chuckled, "Nope." I groaned, "Not even Kid?" Dolflamingo then laughed, "When he started going with that frilly Amy girl, he was all eel-behaved" Then he grinned, "If you two like, we have a window between the front and backseat"

"WHAT IS THAT MEANT TO MEAN?" I exclaimed, he put his tongue out, "You two can get busy" I nearly fainted, "We would never do something like that!"

 Sanji seemed to grin a little, what was that b*stard thinking? I decided to put my headphones in on full blast, and scowl at people, Sanji simply got out a light blue book, with the title, Cold Fire, my interest perked up, he saw me, meeting my gaze, "What book is that?" I popped my headphones off, suddenly intrigued, Sanji passed it to me.

I inspected the novel, and read the blurb.

A distressed maiden is captured by the Emperor of Vainsteel, a ruthless man who seeks to steal the maidens heart for eternal life, but a young peasant boy stumbles upon the place, he and the fair maiden fall in love, but who is the real villain?

I laughed, "You would obviously pick this book up, what part are you at?" He takes the book from my fingers gently, "I am the part where Emperor Vainsteel is actually the good guy, and the peasant boy is the real villain and is about to rip open Rose's chest, and eat her heart"


He continued to read, "Then how is the Vainsteel guy the good guy, he is the one who captured her!"

"He was saving her, unfortunately she hit her head and forgot abut it, he got angry because she forgot their love"

"So instead of reminding her he just put her in a dungeon?"

"I never said she was in dungeon, she was in a luxurious room, and Vainsteel is an idiot and didn't know what to do, avoiding her."

"So the peasant boy, who is he exactly?"

"I don't know yet."

His unconcerned and calm face began once again fixing his blue eyes on the pages of the book, I sighed, how was he reading when this car was moving? I decided to play with a coin, I made it float about, and I even tried to bend it, by pushing the air unto it, it took a lot of effort but in the end it bent a little, I then got kind of bored, and slumped into the chair, Sanji's eyes then twitched, "What's wrong?"

"The peasant boy is the maidens brother, and thy have already had intercourse, and how she's pregnant"


"But she's now realised her 'love' is not 'true love' and Vainsteel, has killed him"

"Where is she going to go?"

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now