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I stumbling into school, realising that this was more nerve racking than I thought. People started staring at me, and I could hear groups whispering and muttering or mocking laughs... I was going to turn back, when I felt a hand touch my shoulder, it was Ace, "Oh hi Ace" I blurted out, oh shizzzzzz!!! What the f was I meant to know his name as a NEW GIRL!

I might as well die in a hole, because of my stupidity.

But when I turned to look at Ace, he was actually smirking! "So you already know me... Must of heard of how hot I am?" 


"AH! Yes, yes! Lots of girls know you! I'm a girl! I'm defiantly a girl!" What are you doing (y/n)???????? You idiot!

Well actually to be make myself feel better, I technically am a girl... Ace laughed, and a swarm of boys and a few girls crowded round, everyone was asking so many questions I hadn't though of!!!

"Sooooo, cutey what's your name?" Some guy said, "Uuuuhhhhh, it's (new y/n)"

"Oooo! Cute name!"

"How old are you?'

"Have you eaten a devil fruit?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Are you straight?"

"Which school were you at before?"

Floods of questions were literally drowning me, I had to run away! But there was no frikin' way! OH I WISH SOMEONE WOULD SAVE ME!!!

Suddenly a black flash kicked all people out the way, Ace had gone already I think because I thought I could see him talking to some other girl, the black wave, looked like a leg... Sanji... SANJI! He immediately took my hand, "I'm terribly sorry those idiots were bothering you milady" He was bent down, one knee on the floor, please forgive them" I felt really embarrassed but relived and slightly happy, all at the same time.

"Thank you, uhh... dear sir" He laughed and then he began that usual swirling thing with the hearts in his eyes, uhh... I with he wouldn't! "Ummm, I have to Bye!"

I couldn't go to lessons, I wasn't really registered, so I decided I'd have to go somewhere quiet! TO THE LIBRARY! I headed with speed! And the minute I got in, I sighed a sigh of relief, who knew being a girl was so exhausting! I sat on a beanbag hidden away within the library and got a computer.

After surfing the internet a little, I came across a tumblr quote, "If you want it, just go get it" And in this case, it was Sanjis food. So I put the computer back, and marked out, marched all the way to the cooking class rooms, and I was so confident Sanji would be there, I thought I could sense him, but to my surprise he wasn't! I just thought thats the logical place he'd be... But it was the I was after! I looked on the tables no food... I went to the fridge and there was loads of food stacked in there, I fumbled around and found Sanjis name on one of the plastic containers, looked inside and I found a sandwich! Good enough.

I grabbed it, put the container back and ran to the field, sat in a hidden corner, and relished the good, seriously good, maybe even the best sandwich I've ever had in my whole entire life! I WANTED MMMMMOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!

I finished the sandwich with great sadness, "Remember what we had sandwich?It was beautiful, and now your gone-"

I looked up and a dark figure was in front of me, OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH SH*T. I was Sanji. Did he see me eat his sandwich?

He seemed to growl slightly, "That was MY sandwich new girl." I thought he was meant to be super nice to girls!

"I'm really sorry, can you forgive me!" I prayed, he sat down next to me, "Since your a lady I will, but don't do it again, you could've just asked me, I would've given it to you" I guess he would have, it's just his scariness from before made me act that way! Ugh! I'm so stupid! That's the whole reason I dressed up as a girl, so I could have his cooking again!

"I think your sandwich was the god of all sandwiches" I said to lighten the mood slightly, he laughed really hard, "Oh? I'll make you lunch from now on, meet me here milady?" I nodded, "Yeah!"

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora