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"Baaaaaabbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyy" The man from the cell beside us sang out, "WHEEEERRRRREEE ARE YOU SUGERBUMPS?"

"F*CK OFF!" I screamed, he's been at this hollering like this for ages, "Why is he even doing this?" I hissed, Sanji popped open a beer can, "He's trying to woo you" I gave him disbelieving look, "Woo me?" Sanji nodded, then smirked, "I'm the only one that can woo properly" I laughed, "Really now? Well your not good at wooing" Sanji scoffed, "You think I was trying to woo you?" I felt a slight rush of heat toward my cheeks, "I was never trying to woo you...did you think I was?"

"No!" I defiantly stated, feeling strangely embarrassed, "Did you want me to woo you?" He said grinning at me, but his facial expression quickly morphed back to a hostile unamused face, as he sat down in the chair within our cell.

"I KNOW YOU LOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE MEEEEE!!!! I KNOW YOU CARE!!!!" The dude sung, I struck the iron bars angrily, "Will you be QUIET?!" I barked, the man then swooned, "Oh baby~ I love it when your feisty!" I groaned, "I wish you would shut up..."

I went through another ten minutes of this man screaming like a lunatic about his undying love for me, I wished I could slam his face in. But the iron bars were made of sea stone, and there was no way I was getting out. Plus Sanji said he couldn't be bothered, and didn't want to get into any more trouble, I tried to persuade him.

"Sanji! Please could you open the iron bars for me?" I fluttered my eyes. He looked up, "But the room is nice, why would you want to leave?"

"I want to shut that guy up!" Sanji went back to reading his erotic 'Love Hospital' magazine, "Don't ignore me!" He sighed, "I really can't be bothered (y/n) have you seen the distance from me and the iron bars? I don't have that kind of energy!" I was shaking with annoyance and frustration by now, "YOU DO HAVE THAT KIND OF ENERGY! YOU BLOODY BEAT UP PEOPLE AT SCHOOL!! NOW OPEN THOSE IRON BARS! PLEASE!" I huffed, he looked up for a milli second, "Perhaps enduring this will be good for improving your patience, after all, it is terrible"

I stomped up to him and took his 'Love Hospital' from him waving it in front of the iron bars, he growled, "(y/n)... Give that back" I scowled, "Come and get it" he scowled back, standing up slowly, he walked toward me, eyes set on mine, I threw the thing out through the bars, he didn't look pleased. Oh no. He thrust himself against me with a stony countenance, I tried to scramble away, but he put his arm in the way, breathing on my neck he said, in a low husky whisper, "You'll pay for this" I sniffled, "Sanji, I have a cold...I don't think you want to be this intimate...right here, you know, and also! Your book" He snarled, and pushed me aside, taking ahold of two bars, he stretched them effortlessly apart, I could feel his blazing aura, he picked it up and snarled at the man, "Leave her alone" the man obviously felt really intimidated, AND FINALLY STOPPED! But, unfortunately the guards can stomping forward, "Oi! Whats happened here?!" I laughed, "Just dropped something outside and needed to get it" The man took me up by the collar, I sighed, and threw him across the hall, "Sorry, hand slipped..." he growled and ran toward me like a bull, which was silly because in one swift movement I flung him across the prison, spitting blood he called on his snail phone, and a net came flying down from above me... Damn I didn't see that coming. "Sorry...." I tried to apologise but i was simply chained up with sea prism stone and flung back into the cell. The bars were put back together. All the while that bast*rd was just sitting and reading his bloody magazine!

"You could've helped me you know"

"To much effort"

"You're so lazy!"

"I know"

"ugh, do you care about anyone?!"

At this his face turned toward me, and he bore into my eyes with his blue ones, "Yes" and then went back to flipping through his magazine, I didn't know what to do!

I groaned.

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now