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I was walking down towards the toilets, when I saw Sanji, he stared at me intensely, "(Y/n)" I flashed him an irrupted look, "What?" He stepped forward, "Tell me, what's wrong"

"WHATS WRONG?" I snarled, he seemed to flinch a little at that, but that expression soon faded away, "Yes." Resolute and firm.

"I KNOW YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT ME" My hiss low and full of emotion, his expression changed into a sad one, his hand trembled slightly, "I do care about you" 

My heart beat at those words, but I kept having to tell myself they were lies, "Oh yeah? Then why were you flirting with Berry?"

His expression became set in stone, the leant forward, I held my stance, not afraid of his tall figure. He didn't say anything, "MAYBE THE REASON WHY NOBODY STAYS WITH YOU IS BECAUSE YOU FLIRT WITH EVERYONE!" I felt my eyes gleam with liquid, but they wouldn't fall. The Sanji trembled once more, "I'm sorry"

No, I wasn't standing for it, I stomped off to the arena. It was roaring with cheers, lights splashed   everything in slight, and for once I knew the people here were sick. A dead body of a petite girl lay sprawled with blood, whilst the winner smiled with triumph, while the crowd cheered.

I had to kill someone.

Or I could make them unconscious, I didn't like killing people, I would only do something like that if it was serious, and this was a bloody game.

The loudspeaker cracked up, "COMBAT BATTLE!!!!! (Y/N) AND SPHINX!" Screaming, Sphinx heading straight for me, charging at me like a bull, I sighed, and held him up in the air as he struggled like a wriggling worm, then I suffocated him until he was unconscious. 

The crowd cheered. I'm sure they wouldn't be cheering if it was them in the arena.

I wanted to go.

I stepped out, as it was now Sanji's turn to fight, instead of him quickly finishing it, he couldn't fight. What? I stared at him with confusion, a woman with long white hair, and orange boots stood before him, "Why won't you fight me?" She screamed, Sanji's face tightened, "I will never hurt a woman" I gazed in awe, what was he doing?

"SANJI FIGHT!" I screamed, but he stood there looking right into my eyes with intensity, "I will not hurt a woman." With that the woman slashed her blade across Sanji's chest, his precious blood splattered on the ground, he loudspeaker hurriedly announced that the woman was the winner, and Sanji stumbled away.

"Sanji..." I muttered in my astonishment. He went past me, his large figure a black shadow, his eyes met mine, full of something I couldn't decipher. But something firm, as if it were set in stone. He stumbled once more, I I found myself steadying him, the man I had decided I hated and had shot down my faith, but there I was leading him to the nurses office, laying his heavy body down on the bed.

His breathing corse, (my hand that seemed to have a will of its own) duped his chiselled chin, "Why?" I muttered, "I would never mean to hurt a woman" then he looked right at me, "Especially the one I love" 

"But I thought you-" He cut me off, "It was wrong of me. I'm sorry (y/n)" I swallowed, everything he said was with earnest, I could almost feel it, I decided he could be forgiven. I unzipped his jumpsuit, his bare torso showing, but this time it was throbbing, and blood dripping from the sword that slashed him.

He seemed terribly calm through all this, as if he were simply lying on a bed! "What do I do?" I said pathetically, I mean I wasn't Law!

He grinned slightly, and directed me, as I did all the things he said, finally the wound was dressed, and he sighed. I sighed too, "When will it heal?" He replied curtly, "I don't really know, but it's not the worst I've had" I laughed, "Yeah I mean you look like you only got a bruise!" There was silence, when suddenly Sanji pulled me into the bed, hugging me tightly, "What hurts the most, is my heart" He whispered, I held him tighter, "Well, you nearly turned mine to ice" He nuzzled me, his embrace warm, safe. I held him close. "I'm sorry" he said in a low voice, "Well, you've been forgiven this time, but next time I see you flirting, Imma kill you!" I threatened, he smirked cheekily, "So I see it would bother you... I wonder why?" He teased, I tried to pull away, but his grip around me fastened, "Ugh!"

"But now that you've admitted it, you've got no choice but to stay here" I grumbled, "Admitted what exactly?" The he licked my neck, "That you were jealous, and you want me" I felt my face go so red I thought I might explode, then his voice regained a serious tone, "But I didn't expect you to be that way... I didn't think you'd be that angered"

I sighed, "It's because I've never believed in love."

"Why not?"

I sighed again, "My father left my mother" I didn't want to go into details, the broken glass, he screams of my mother, him hitting me and not batting an eye, and raping me. Then taking everything we had, and leaving us. Which lead to my mothers suicide, me alone on the streets.

But I had friends who had helped me, and even that annoying Joker had brought me here, Ace and Amy had be-friended me, I had Sanji. And he was going to be all mine.

"I'll show you" He grinned, and stood up, "Your like a rib"

"Like a rib?!" I exclaimed, "Thanks for the flattering compliment Sanji"

He laughed, "No! I mean, you support me, protect my organs, are my equal, and I'll always protect you, even if you don't need me too!" He said with sudden sweetness, a smile on his face, calm and happy, "Come on then" I grumbled, "Your rib is going to the toilet!"

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin