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Sorry I didn't yesterday guys!! I was having some personal issues I had to deal with! By the way, if you have any ideas for the story, please recommend them or tell me!


Ace nudged me, "Amy seemed pretty 'worried' about you" He sneakily winked, I gave him one of my looks that said, Really? Give it break already. He laughed, "Fine. Fine! Don't forget Devil Fruit Training! Or just a chance to smash stuff!"

"Oh yeah!" I chimed, I loved those lessons! He waved and went to walk to class, joining one of his girlfriends, typical.

I rushed down to Smokers class, we were studying biology, but we never really did anything, he would just sit on his chair and read the daily New World News, putting his feet up. It was great! Sometimes he set us work, but when he did, we had to do it. Or else he could be quite scary!

When I got into class, Zoro waved my by, "HEY! (Y/N)!" I walked over, "Your good with girls right?"

"Well, actually-" Before I could finish he dragged my down, "Yes, yes, now tell me, who should I ask to the prom?"

"The prom isn't in two weeks!"

He glared at me, "I know, I know, but I've got to give this some bloody thought!"

I nodded, and he nodded back, "So who are the candidates?" 

He thought for a moment, "Tagashi, Robin, Perona, Nami..." I chuckled, "Luffy's going with Nami" Zoro then grinned, "I see he finally got to grips" I nodded, "Robin, is busy, she'll be away on an island doing some kind of research"

Zoro then thoughtfully looked out, "That leaves Perona and Tagashi huh?" I smiled, "Yeah"

I considered it, "Tagashi is always following Smoker around, and they could be a couple, but she's obviously got something with you... But you and Perona got stuck on a school trip, and we had to fly back  to get you, and you two seemed close...Its up to you really, maybe test the waters... Check to see if they like you... Maybe get them a bit jealous? I don't know, but don't go overboard! You're a popular guy, you'll get either one"

Zoro looked really confused, "Wow" He said, "That's like girl philosophy" I laughed, "Nah! Anyway, wish me luck!" I winked, I didn't want to go to the prom alone again!

Just as I was getting to my seat, Sanji came in, he was wearing a black waistcoat, black jacket, black trousers, and a pristine white shirt, along with a blue tie, his hair perfect, his gaze serious and uninterested, but gentlemanly and caring... I looked his way expecting some kind of reaction, but I got nothing, I even smiled! He just looked back at me like I was an insignificant speck, damn him!

He found a seat near Luffy, Luffy smiled at him, and he gave a small grin, "Hiya Sanji!" He practically shouted, he looked back at him, "Hi Luffy"

I was going to fight him in class, well next class, so he would finally notice me!

I spent the whole lesson contemplating how I was going to do it, considering his fighting technique, his weak points... and how I would apply mine to defeat him!

By the end of the lesson, I felt confident in my plan! I suddenly felt a shaking sensation, "Huh?" Amy was shaking me! "Amy?" She looked at me with worry, "You've been daydreaming all lesson! Come on! You'll be late!"

I realised what she said, "Oh my gosh! Yes, I'll be late come on!"


I went to go tell (y/n) to walk with him to next lesson, but I shook him for like five minutes straight and he wouldn't stop gawking! Finally, he came to his senses, and realised we would be late!

 "Oh my gosh! Yes, I'll be late come on!" He suddenly grabbed hold of my hand, I felt heat rush up to my cheeks, (y/n) was holding my hand... He didn't seem to notice though...

We finally got to the lesson, luckily we were just barley early enough, "Wow (y/n) You're really fast!" He smiled, "I know right!" He laughed, "Nah, just kidding, Luffy's way faster than me" I seemed to subconsciously smile for no reason, just because he was there... weird.

"Who are you planning on fighting Amy?" He asked, "Oh, well... Maybe Camie? We decided to have a match yesterday" I was pretty happy about it to, Camie and I were both quite excited, plus it was a dare, so I felt like a rebel!

"Who are you fighting?" A huge grin spread across (y/n)s face, "Sanji" 


He laughed, "His suit is well tailored and very nice, but I hardly care about that now, maybe you could sew it up for him later? I remember you said you loved sewing! Remember last week when..."

His voice trailed of in my mind, he remembers stuff like that? Why hadn't I realised before? Now everything was clear... Well, I think it was?

I cut him off, "You have to win!"

He looked unsurprised, "Duh" He waved goodbye and headed to the line for A* fighters, despite (y/n)s lean body, and slightly small height, although he was taller than me, he was a great fighter! He usually used nunchucks or an axe, I wonder if they can penetrate Sanji's iron like legs? Once Sanji accidentally stepped on my food and it was like a building had crashed down on my toes!

I rushed to my line, which had all my friends, so I was cool with it!

Master Mihawk signalled to Sanji, "Are you sure you want to fight in that?" Sanji looked at him unbothered, "Yeah" Mihawk sighed, and Shanks said, "I see, it's a shame really, it's a nice suit" Mihawk nodded, everyone nodded in fact, but (y/n) didn't, he laughed, "AND SOON IT WILL BE SHREDDED TO PIECES!" Everyone laughed, but Mihawk wasn't impressed, his serious visage was set in stone.

The first couple of fights it was the usual stuff, I wasn't that interested in fact, I wanted to see (y/n). Perona obviously noticed, "I see your ogling (y/n)" I bushed a little, "No I am not!" She smirked, "YES YOU ARE!" Before we could continue, Sanji and (y/n) stepped out, Sanji was calm as ever, but (y/n) was on fire, "COME AT ME!"

Sanji did 'come at him'.

For a few seconds, the two individuals disappeared! A flash of black and they reappeared, before I could study them, they disappeared, and it was a series of flashes and stops, it was amazing, how could they move so quickly? So elegantly? Well except (y/n) was shouted indecent worlds every five seconds, some of which were very weird like, "NOTICE ME ALREADY YOU B*STARTD!" or "I SMILED AT YOU! AND YOU SHOULD BLODDY SMILE BACK" and, "I'LL MAKE YOU SAY HI EVERY MORNING!"

It was getting to the stage where everyone just sweat dropped, and Shanks pulled them back, "Shall we give it a rest (y/n)?"

He writhed about,  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" With fire shooting from his eyes, Sanji then burst out laughing, "HAHAHAHAHA! YOU IDIOT!" Suddenly Zoro started cheering for (y/n) "LET HIM BEAT THAT COOKS ASS!" Roars of agreement and opposition hailed out, Shanks then sighed, "No." Mihawks cold gaze cut through the chaos, "Stop right now, this is stupid, I'm already bored"

Poor (y/n). After the fight I rushed over to him, "(Y/N)! You fought well!" He smiled, "Thanks Amy, thats real sweet, but his suit is still spotless"

Real sweet...

I was going to ask him!


I had finished my fight with Sanji and Amy had rushed up to me, she was really sweet and tried to comfort me, when I replied to her, the facial expression on her face changed in a strange way, "You OK Amy?" I asked, but she grabbed hold of my hand, "Come"

I was dragged all the way to a quiet spot of the school, "What is it Amy? Did Camie break one of your nails?" She squeezed my hand, "I'm being serious here!" Her grip tightened even more, I leaned in to check her temperature, and she got even worse, she got redder! But she pushed me back, "Look, (y/n), will you... will you... go to the..."


She gulped, "Prom! With me!"


SO EVERYONE! WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN????  Hope your enjoying the story??? Please give me any advise to make it better or anything!!! I myself am actually getting quite hyped!

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang