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ANYWAY! TO THE STORY!!!!!! Hope you all enjoy!


After Law had abducted me, he said something to me that baffled me, he said that he knew. At first I played it safe and asked what he meant, but he knew I was biologically a female, and everyone thought I was a boy, and he knew it was me dressing up as a girl! How in hells name he knew? Who knows! 

But now that b*stard knows, who knows what he'll do??? He said he only recently found out.... AS I was wondering about this, I saw Kid storming towards me, Amy behind him with a satisfied grin, well well well...whats going on here?

He towards over me, and broke the wondrous news indeed! No longer did I have the Amy fiasco on my hands, I only had to deal with two guys! Although that is a handful!

"Oh woe is me!" I said sarcastically, it looked like they bought it! Kid then suddenly whispered something, obviously not "Lets have cake together" more like, "Lets go make out, now." But it was unusual, Kid had a girlfriend once, and she basically lived on his shoulder upside down, and being constantly flung into things, she had to go to hospital multiple times, and she broke up with him after the fifth visit, I hope Amy won't be hospitalised with a fractured collar bone or a broken wrist from being constantly dragged around....

But my mind wandered. Law... What was I going to do? What was he going to do? Would our friendship disintegrate away?

I hope not.

Just as I was pondering a certain tall black suited figure came up to me, I looked up, he was grinning, looked like it was stuck on! "Hello Sanji, what can I help you with?" I mockingly bowed, he kept grinning, what was this man doing?! Then he stepped forward, "That was a funny fight... All you wanted was attention!" he laughed, and walked away, "Sorry about your girlfriend!"

Anger fizzed up inside me, "SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" Sanji looked back a bit, "No, not anymore" I growled, "She was never to be since the start!" He pouted, "Aw! Poor (y/n) no hope from the start?" He mocked, this b*stard has the wrong bloody idea! I marched up to him, "We are friends!" Then he leaned in, "Then why did you say yes to her invitation?"

Good point, hard to counter.

"She looked like she was going to cry!"

"A man who sees the lady he loves about to cry, he breaks" 

"A friend would do the same!" I shouted

"No, a friend would confront them, not accept an invitation suggesting any  element of romance"

I had to win this or else everyone was going to think I loved her, and Amy might do who knows what.

"Maybe I'm not that good at comforting!"

He laughed, "You were pretty good at comforting Zoro when he needed lady help"

I laughed a sarcastic laugh, "It was advice actually, and its interesting to see that you like eavesdropping on others"

"It's good to be well informed"

Then, a slight twice appeared, a malicious look in his eyes, "I know a lot" He paused, "No one suspects the love sick gentlemen to be a hoarder of everyones secrets... intact..." he paused again, "I'm seeing Law now."

"WHAT? NO! You can't see him now!" I cried out, no no no! He looked round a satisfied smile, "It seems he does have something interesting to tell me"

Before I could stop him, he moved his steel legs swiftly towards Law's nurses office, the door and Sanji getting closer and closer! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!

He opened the door.


I didn't get there in time, hitting myself against the door hard, I tried the knob, but the door was locked tight, those scum balls, I started shouting and banging against the door, "DONT YOU SAY ANYTHING YU BLOODY DOCTER! REMEMBER THURSDAY THE 8TH OF JUNE!!! WHAT I DID FOR YOU!!! SANJI COME HERE MOW!!!" I could have continued but Shanks grabbed me by the collar and swopped my away to Doflamingos office.

"Sensei! You have to understand! I have to stop Law telling Sanji something! PLEASE LET ME GO!" Shanks replied, "Sorry no can do kiddo, it's your seventh strike already, you can't use violence or that would mean expulsion, and I know you have no where else to go" He grimaced, "No school will take you" He mumbled in a slightly worried tone, "None of them!"

"Rude!" I shouted back, but he ignored me, finally reaching the corridor where all the super important teachers lived, he knock on Doffs door, "Sir we've got (y/n)" I heard a low chuckle, "Let her in"

I was thrown into his very eccentric room, pull of pink fluffy things, flamingos and stuff, he was seated on a purple armchair, "Well, well, well... we meet again, are meetings are so nice" I scowled, last time he dangled me from the roof. "You early killed me sir" He smiled, "Really? I don't recall"

"Of course you don't sir" I replied in my most sarcastic voice, he chuckled again, "Anyway, what do you think of the shirt (y/n) I heard your great with lady advice, enlighten me"

I laughed a little, "Sir! I dint know you had interests!"

His smile widened, "Oh course I do boy, why do you think those ladies come in every week?" Duffy had a different woman come every week, and they would have 'private conversations' The longest one lasted was a month.

He cleared his throat, "Anyway, it's your tenth strike no?"

"Seventh actually sir, I'm not that bad" He chuckled another low raspy chuckle, "I but I think you are" He took out a pink feathery book, that has a title saying "Punishments"

I prayed I would get an easy one or something not so bad this time... His smile disappeared, "You're only cleaning the toilets... I hoped I could throw you down the cliff"

He looked my way, "You may go"

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now