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I quickly dressed into my little blue dress, and went out, ready to have food! Skipping along I didn't realise my surroundings, Kid came up to me, "Oi! New girl!" I turned round, "Yes?" He towered over me, "Would you mind not dancing over my cloak?" I looked down and his usual cloak was on the ground and I was on it, oh dear, and his bare chest... oh dear...

"Oh! Sorry!" I quickly stepped out of the way and picked it up for him, "Woah! Its pretty heavy!" He scowled, "It was pretty expensive too" and he grumbled, "You look extremely familiar..." Sweat particles formed in my palms, "No I don't!" I quickly retorted and scampered off, reaching the school I rushed into a quiet corner and sighed, "Phew that was close!" I then felt a strange presence, swivelling round I realised I was in Law's office, since he was like the school nurse, I tried to edge out but a hand grasped me, "Oh no you don't" I heard Law's voice rumbling, "Hehe...hi?" He brought himself into the light, "I know your (y/n)"


"What are you talking about?" I tried to say, but it was a no avail. He eyed me, "Why in hell, are you dressed like girl?!" He dragged me to his dissecting kit, "You know what I'll do" I rolled my eyes, "With your sick hobby" He smiled, "It's not sick, it's very educational" I rolled my eyes again, but his expression was serious again, "I repeat my question"

I sighed, what was I going to do now??? Wait! "I know why you think I'm my brother, were terribly similar" But unfortunately Law laughed evilly, "I've been to your house many times for our guy sleepovers" He started eyeing his small blade thing, was he going to gouge my eyes out and cut them in half? Or dissect my nose? Or remove the skin off my fingers??????? 


A satisfied smile appeared in his face, and put his tiny blade down, "I'm listening (y/n)"

"How do I put this.... it was all for food"

Law looked really puzzled, "What?" I smiled, "Well, now you know, I'm off!" Before he had a chance to catch me I scurried off to find Sanji. I breathed in, this morning was starting to be very eventful!

I looked in the kitchen, but their was no sign, in his homeroom, no sign and I peeked into every classroom, but I couldn't find him! Where in the world is that guy!? I saw Miss Robin come towards me, "Ah! (new y/n)! I was looking for you, you have to come to class! You've already skipped 3 already!" She hurried me off to a classroom and sat me there, smiled and left after whispering something to Professor Shanks, he nodded, and began a boring lesson on the structure of the new marine headquarters, I looked out the window, thinking of my beloved meal, and where it was...

As soon as I felt like going home, Sanji came in! Oh I felt like crying! Shanks signalled to Nami, "You can go to the toilet now" So that man was in the toilet! Sneaky little man! I beamed at him, expecting him to reacted, but nothing happened!

He was meant to swivel round with hearts in his eyes! Well, I mean I obviously didn't expect it... maybe.... Oh hell! I expected it! OK?

I waited patiently till the end of class, and caught up to Sanji, "Hey! Sanji! Remember my food?" He looked at me blatantly, "I didn't forget. Come on" 

A lot of the people around us looked at us in shock, I heard someone whisper, "Why isn't he acting like he's supposed to?" and several other muffled remarks, I myself was quite confused too, but for now I wanted my lunch, with him under the trees, munching away at whatever he had got for me... Was it eggs Benedict? Or maybe a scotch egg? Or sushi? Or maybe homemade chocolate? Or! Or! All sorts of wonderful meals flashed before my eyes. We sat down and he handed my a bento box, "Here" I excitedly awaited my yummy surprise, but when I opened the lid, I did not expect to see what I saw.

Just plain white rice.

What was this?! "WHATS THIS?" I asked pretty damn shocked, "Mr I'm a sous chef in a five star restaurant!"

He looked back at me like I had said nothing unusual, "It's very good quality rice you know" 

"GOOD QUALITY RICE?" I almost shouted, and he smiled, "I'm glad you noticed, its even got some herbs mixed in" He said it as if that was some amazing feat I sighed, excepting my fate. "Well, at least I have food" I couldn't help but see a bit of a smug grin appear on his face, as I dug in, and ate the rice, was quite comforting, something brown and meaty oozed out... Oh my god. It was hidden! Hidden sauce!

I laughed, "You had me worried!"

He smiled, and adjusting his collar I looked at his clothing, he was dressed much more casually than usual, with a white T-shirt and a checkered shirt that was unbuttoned, along with jeans, nevertheless, it was still much more formal than some, but it looked really good on him. His figure was always lean, but I never realised he was this muscly... 

I looked away quickly, what was I doing?

I continued to eat, and asked, "Why weren't you acting like, you know..." He looked at me, "Like what?" I sighed, "All lovey dovey" Sanji smirked, "I only act that way towards ladies" What!? I was as damn good a lady as any other girl! "I AM A LADY" He puffed out some smoke, and simply said, "No."



He got up, "See you later (new y/n)"

The nerve of that man! He made me want to be a lady, when all my life I wanted to be everything but a lady! I was wearing a dress too!

Damn him and his amazing food!

I walked back to class gloomily, I guess there was no point in staying at school now, since I had had my food, and I felt annoyed, tomorrow I would go to school myself again, I needed to go back to normal.

SANJI X READER : He thought I was a BoyWhere stories live. Discover now