2. Beca's Breakdown

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In roughly 10 minutes, Chloe arrived at Barclay Hotel. She parked and got out walking into the building. The clerk looked up. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, actually. I'm looking for Beca Mitchell. She's been staying here. I'm not sure how long though. All I know is she's still here."

The clerk looked through the check-ins and then looked at the redhead. "Room 201. Just up the stairs and first door on your right."

"Thank you." Chloe replied and ran up to Room 201. She knocks on the door. "Beca?!? It's me! Chloe! We spoke on the phone a little bit ago."

There was a shuffling noise and then the door swung open to reveal a distraught tiny brunette with red, puffy eyes. "Chloe." She choked out with tears pooling in her eyes again.

Chloe hugged her tight and the brunette started to bawl. "Hey. Hey. It's ok. I'm here. I'm here, Baby Girl." She said rubbing the Dj's back comfortingly. "Come on. Lets get your stuff and get you checked out. You're coming to live with me. Well, me and my mom, but I'll tell you that later." The redheaded older woman said letting her go.

Beca just nodded rubbing her eyes then Chloe walked in and helped her pack. It was only a gym bag and a small suitcase. When they were done, they walked out, checked Beca out, and then walked out to Chloe's car. They put the bags in the back then got in the front. Chloe gently squeezed Beca's hand then turned the car on and pulled out.

10 minutes later, Chloe pulled back into the work parking lot. She got out along with a silently crying Beca. Chloe locked the car and guided Beca into the building. Everyone looked up then Siobhan stood up to help. "Chloe, who is this?" The older darker redhead asked.

"Siobhan, this is my best friend and baby sister Beca Mitchell. She's the one that called. Bill let me go pick her up. She needs me now more than ever. But could you help look after her?"

"Of course. Come on, Dear." Siobhan said to Beca and pulled her to sit down in an extra chair against the wall behind Georgia's cubical. Georgia is behind Siobon.

Beca let out a sob. "No! CHLOE! DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" She screamed trying to reach for the redhead.

Chloe walked up grabbing her arms gently. "Beca! Becs. I'm not leaving you." Siobhan let the tiny brunette go and Beca ran into Chloe's arms for a tight hug. Chloe wrapped her arms around her waist and rubbed her back. "It's ok. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right in this cubical." She said pointing to the end cubical they just passed.

"No. PLEASE." The Dj pleaded.

"I'm not going ANYWHERE, Baby Girl. I'll be right in this cubical on the end. I have to work, Bae."

"I need you." She whimpered.

"Hunny, I know that. But, Bae, I HAVE to work. I'm here for a reason. I'll explain later."  Chloe replied and kissed her forehead. "If you want, you can bring your chair over and sit next to me, but you have to let me work. Ok?"

Beca nodded and wiped her tears. She grabbed the said chair while Chloe sat down to work then dragged it over to sit next her big sister and best friend.

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