10. Coffee

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Ten minutes later, they arrived at the coffee shop across from the said hotel. The girls walk in and around the corner to find the guy at a booth. He gets up. "Thanks for comin'."

"Yeah. I...I can't stay long." Chloe said. "WE can't stay long. This is my baby sister and best friend Beca Mitchell."

"Nice to meet you, Beca." Chase said.

Beca just nodded as they sat down. Her first then Chloe on the outside and Chase across from them. "She doesn't talk much." Chloe said looking at Beca.

"Coffee?" Chase asked.

"Yeah. Coffee's good." Chloe replied. "You want anything, Becs?"

The brunette shook her head. "No thanks." She said looking at her phone.

"You having an ok day?" Chase asked the redhead after a couple seconds of aca-awkward silence.

"It's fine." Chloe nodded.

"So people like living here?" He asked clearing his throat.

"Do you like grey days and never ending winter."

"Do you?"

"Winter can be nice sometimes when it first snows, but..." Chloe said shrugging. "After that..."

"You're still here though." Chase pointed out.

"Something like that."

A waitress came up and poured the coffee saying something and handing them a menu. "Thanks." Chase replied taking the said menu.

"So this must be anticlimactic for you." Chloe said when the waitress was gone.

"I wouldn't say that."

"You don't have to be nice."

"Sorry. I don't really go in for the prayers so much. You sort of seem like that too."

"I don't really know what you were expecting." Chloe said which made Beca look up at her big sister.


"Look, I get it." Chloe cut him off. "It's something really great happened to you. It's good. You should really hold on to that."


"But I... I'm not gonna make you better. I'm not gonna keep you better. O...or whatever it is that you think..."

"Maybe not."

"For sure not." Chloe almost snapped. "Look, I'm not what you're looking for. And you can think whatever it is, but it's gonna have to stay in your own head. I'm not what you need."

"You think you know what I need?"

Chloe shrugged. "We gotta go." She said starting to get up and dragging Beca with her.

"Look, can you just take my number? It's just, I drove a long way to get here. I don't know anybody in town. I don't know. Maybe you'll feel like we'll see each other again."

"I won't." She cut him off. "I'm really sorry." She said looking at him then dragging Beca to the car.

Pitch Perfect: After Graduation and Dial A Prayer CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now