23. A Weird Call and Confronting Michael

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It's a few days later and Chloe is back at work. "Dial A Prayer. This is Chloe."


"Yes. Hi, Sandy. Nice to talk to you again. How's your dog? Still sick?"


"Oh, whoa whoa."


"Ok, well, start from the beginning."


"Mhm. Well, you're stronger than that. Completely and you don't deserve that. And you should leave." Chloe finished. She then answers another line. "This is Chloe."

After a while, she answers a last call. "Dial A Prayer." There's silence. "Hello?" Again, silence. "Is it you?" More silence. "Are you there?"

The caller hangs up and Chloe sets the headset down on the desk. She looks at Beca and nudges her in the arm to get her attention. The brunette puts her headphones around her neck and puts her laptop away. "What's up? You ok?"

"I think it was Chase, but he didn't say a word. He just left me in the dark then hung up."

"That's weird."

"Yeah. Come on. Lets get home." Chloe said grabbing her things and standing up.

Beca followed doing the same and the two walked out.

At home, Mary had everything set out on the kitchen island and Beca noticed. "Need some help there, Mary?"

"Yes please."

"Oh no you don't." Chloe said stopping the smaller girl in her tracks. "I will help her. YOU are going up to our room and resting."

"I'm fine. I'm pregnant, not an invalid."

"Doesn't matter. You're going upstairs and resting. I'll call you when it's ready." Beca went to protest, but the redhead stopped her. "No buts. Go." She demanded pushing the brunette up the stairs.

The 23 year old sighed in defeat and did as told. Chloe quickly took her jacket off and went to help her mother with dinner.

The next day, Chloe and Beca visited Siobhan again. She was asleep on the couch. Chloe smiled at the darker redheaded older woman who has no hair now and Beca walked up handing the young woman a bottle of water. "Thanks." Chloe said taking it.

"Sure. You ok?" The Dj asks sitting down on the opposite chair.

"Yeah." Chloe replied looking at her. "I'm just worried for her. She seems to be struggling."

Beca nodded in understanding.

The next day, Chloe spends the day cleaning the house. And now it's three days before Christmas. Chloe walks into the living room after hearing her father had come home. He's sitting in a chair reading. When he sees his daughter approaching, he saves his place and looks at her. "They told me you met your hours and then some. Thinking you'll stay on?" Michael asked.

"I don't know."

"Your mother's enjoyed having you here."

"I know."

"Well then... seems like you're on a better path." Chloe nodded then she started to walk away when he stopped her. "Chloe."

Chloe stops and turns to face him. "We miss you when you don't come back you know? She does. She deserves better than you. You never asked me why I did it. You just said that you would take care of it. But do you ever wonder? WHY I ended up down there?" She asks and he just looks at her. "I did it because... I wanted to FEEL something. All the way through me. And I wanted to be seen. REALLY seen."

Beca comes in the room and wraps her arms around the redhead's waist from behind and lays her head on the back of her shoulder in comfort. "Why didn't you just talk to me? Or at least Aubrey?"

Chloe looked at her and moved from her embrace so she could face her properly. "It has nothing to do with you guys. It was all from before and it just caught up to me. It bit me in the ass, but only because I acted on it in a way I shouldn't have."

"But you still could have talked to us. We're the closest ones to you, but you still had the support of the rest of The Bellas as well. I talked to Emily today. She looks up to the two of us as her second moms. She told me that directly. I told her what you told me and how you've been progressing. She wants us to visit. She's worried about you. Wants to see you."

"I don't know, Bec. And she really said that? I mean the part about being like her second moms?"

"Yeah. She says she's always telling the new recruits how you're basically her mama and I'm her rockstar second mother. She refers to us as Mom and Mama."


"Yeah. I think we should go see her."

Chloe nodded and they grab their coats along with their purses heading out to the car.

Pitch Perfect: After Graduation and Dial A Prayer CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now