6. Jeff's Intervention To Chloe

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Once inside, Chloe leans against the wall. Beca looks over to her big sister in concern. "You ok, Chlo-bear?"

Chloe looks at the tiny brunette and gives a slight reassuring smile. "Yeah. I'm fine, Becs. Just thinking."

"About that guy outside?"

"More about what he said then him himself. But yeah. You could say that." The redhead replied.

"Well, you have work to continue, so..."

Chloe nodded and took her coat off hanging it up on the coat rack. Beca did the same with her jacket and the two walked back over to her cubical. Beca sat down behind Chloe and put on her headphones. (A/N: She brings her laptop with her so she's not bored.)

It's a few hours later and today they are playing indoor beach-ball volleyball. Everyone is playing right now except Chloe and Beca. Chloe is sitting on the bleachers with her hair in a bun wearing black leggings with her given jersey and some Nikes. Beca is sitting next to her on her laptop of course. Beca's hair is also in a bun. She's wearing dark blue skinny jeans with her black camisole underneath her three-quarter sleeved grey shirt and her black ankle high-heeled boots, and her layered necklaces. (A/N: Outfit from Bellas Auditions.)

Chloe is watching the game bored and looks over to Beca who's bobbing her head to a new mix she's been working on for the last week. She nudges the Dj with her elbow and Beca takes her headphones off to look at the redhead. "Yeah?"

"You feeling ok? It's really hot in this gym and with the pregnancy..."

"I'm fine, Chlo. I promise. I already had my morning sickness for the day. I have nothing left to throw up. I'll eat later."

"I just wanted to make sure. So changing the subject, what you working on?"

"Nothing really. Just some stuff that reminds me of Jesse. I'm trying to mix some of his favorite songs from his favorite movies. I've already made three mixes. This is the fourth. I wanna play them at his funeral. You know, something to let everyone know how enthusiastic he was to write his own music for movies. Let them know that's what inspired him from the beginning."

"But the songs he wrote were for you."

"They were about me. But they were for his project for the upcoming movie he was working on. I just inspired the lyrics. At least that's what he told me."

"Can I listen to it?"

"Not until I'm finished. I want it to be perfect before anyone hears it."

"But I like hearing your progress. I always have."

"Not these. Just be patient with me. As soon as I'm done, you'll be the first to hear it. I promise."

"Fine. But I think you should at least take a break for five minutes and go get some fresh air. This heat will make you nauseous if you stay too much longer without one."

Beca nods then leans over and kisses Chloe's cheek. "I love you, Red."

"Love you too, My Little Badass Dj. Now go."

Beca quickly saves her progress then lays her laptop on the bleacher beside her and unplugs the headphones leaving them around her neck. She gets up and heads out of the gym to get some fresh air. *She's so over protective sometimes. But I love it.* She thought and smiled.

Chloe looked back at the game being played. Jeff and Bill are in the corner taking a water break and having a conversation. "Do you think she's ready?" Jeff asked.

"Was Jesus ready when he parted the Red Sea?"

"Wasn't that Moses?"

"You're missing the point. The question is, how are you feeling? Do you feel the need to guide?"

"Well, she's been here a month and she's clearly still strugglin'."

"Well, exactly! Time's a wastin'."

"Well, I...I don't know. Maybe we should just give her more time."

"Oh... blah, blah, blah, blah. Jeff, look at me. Go for it. Be her Shepard. It's like Zeta Jones in Douglas. If he hadn't gone for her Billy-bob style, he wouldn't be married to that New Zealand hottie. Whoa!" Bill was cut off with the ball headed his way and he catches it.

"Isn't she Welsh? Aren't they divorced?" Jeff asked being ignored as Bill hands Georgia the ball back when she comes flying over out of breath.

"Whoo! I am tellin' ya. That Serena, she may be tiny, but she is MIGHTY!" Georgia said.

"Well, set her up. Set her up. Go, go!" Bill said and she left to do so. Bill stepped back and looked at Jeff again. "Listen to me. QUIT stallin' and go for it. And save that soul. Now go." He said as they did a handshake.

Jeff walks over and sits down where Beca recently got up from. "Wassup, Playa!" He said raising his hand for a high-five. When Chloe didn't respond, he looked at the game, but continued to talk. "Well, not a lot of air in here, huh?"

"No. None." Chloe finally acknowledged. "If I'd known jerseys were optional, I would've worn MY bikini too." She joked. Jeff chuckled. She looked at him. "Not really."

"I'm sorry about earlier. I respect your right to serve however you wish." He apologized.

"Um... mk. Thank you." Chloe replied flatly to which he didn't catch.

"Serve. I wasn't even plannin' that." He laughed.

Chloe just nodded. "Good one."

"So... I know you got a lot going on in there." He started changing the subject. "That I don't really know about. But, the thing is, just think that I can help you find your way back."

Chloe looked at him confused. "My way back..."


"Is that... what this is all about?"

"Only a softened heart can accept God's forgiveness."

"A softened heart...?" She started. "Wha... Look. I... I don't need your help. I don't need YOUR help, or Bill's help, or any of you... people. Ok? I'm fine. Totally fine." The redhead replied annoyed.

Jeff just nodded and then a voice was heard. "Chloe! You're up!"

"Shit." Chloe muttered under her breath as she got up to play.

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