21. Confrontation

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The next morning, Chloe awakens wearing Chase's shirt with him laying next to her on the bed and her head on his chest. They were tangled together. She rolls over allowing his arm to gently drop and he shifts in his sleep, but stays asleep as she opens her eyes and adjusts to the light. She looks over at him and smiles remembering last night. She gets up and makes sure not to wake the gorgeous man in the bed. She walks over to the mirror and smiles at herself. She looks back at him then smiles more turning back to the mirror, but the smile fades as she sees a picture of a woman on the vanity table. She picks it up and examines it. Recognizing the woman as the woman in the church before, she takes off pissed.

Chloe runs home and finds Beca waiting for her on the steps outside. She gets out as Beca stands. "Hey. What are you doing out here? It's freezing."

Beca just lays her laptop in the passenger seat and runs into her sister's arms hugging her tight. "I missed you last night. I couldn't sleep. I was thinking about everything and..."

"Whoa, whoa! Slow down. It's ok, Baby. I'm here." The redhead said hugging her back. "I told you, I'm not leaving you. You're stuck with me."

"I love you so much, Chloe."

"I love you too, Baby Girl. It's ok. Get in the car. We have to go. We'll talk more later."

Beca nodded pulling away and did as told.

Later at work, Chloe was sitting at her cubical thinking when she noticed Siobhan was missing. Looking at Georgia, she spoke her thoughts. "Where's Siobhan?"

"I thought you knew." Georgia replied looking at the redhead. "Leave of absence."

Chloe thought for a second before she grabbed her purse standing up and nudging Beca who quickly looked at her putting her laptop away. "What's up?"

"We're going somewhere. Lets go." Chloe replied and turned starting towards the door.

Beca quickly grabbed her things and followed.

As they walked out of the building, Chase was waiting for them. "Hey. What's the rush?" He asked.

Chloe looked at him getting straight to the point. "That picture in your room, who is that?"

"Look, lets go some place else..."

"No, no! Tell me." Chloe demanded. "It's the woman from the church, isn't it? Do you know her?"

"I can explain."

"Wait, what picture?" Beca asked confused.

"Beca, not now. This is between me and HIM."

"Ok." Chase continued. "She's ok. She's doing better. But it was bad. It was bad for a long time. I had to put her in a home, I lost my job. Look, I didn't know anything. All I knew was that some girl, some name, did this to my MOTHER and got away. And I couldn't make sense of it, so I wanted to come here and I wanted to find you, and...and I wanted to do something. I didn't know what, so I just drove here and then... and then it changed the SECOND I met you."

"You..." Chloe started getting upset.

Chase cut her off. "It changed the SECOND I MET you."

"You drove here, and then..."

"Everything that happened between us, is real."

"This is... this is n..."

"You changed me." He cut her off again.

"I am so stupid. I am so STUPID." She ranted clearly holding tears back. "Believing that you... you actually WANTED me! Believing I was making a difference..."


"I don't care." She cut him off this time. "I'm just doing it to get out of it."

"That is not true. Ok? You're making a difference for ME! You gotta believe that!"

"I DON'T believe you!" She snapped. "I don't believe in ANY of this! This is all bullshit. YOU'RE bullshit." She said walking off with Beca behind her wondering what the hell was going on.

"Chloe," Chase started.

The redhead ignored him and sped walked to her car getting in. Beca followed still confused. Once in and the car started pulling out of the lot, the brunette spoke her thoughts. "What the fuck was that?"

"Not now, Beca. Later."

"No. We're gonna talk about it now. What the hell happened last night and this morning?" Beca demanded and asked.

"I said later." Chloe said in a deadly underlying tone turning the radio on.

Beca turned it off and snapped. "No. YOU are gonna tell me RIGHT NOW. Chloe Rose Beale, you are gonna answer me this instant!"

Chloe groaned at the use of her full name. She hated when Beca said it because it meant she was in trouble and there was no room for argument. Sighing, she finally conceded. "We had sex. Ok?" She said.


"We had sex. It was wonderful and the night went great. This morning, I woke up and I was happy until I saw a picture of the woman from the church lying on the vanity table below the mirror. I was pissed that he didn't tell me he knew her. I got dressed and snuck out. I came and got you and we went to work." The older girl said.

"So he basically lied to you?"


"I knew something seemed fishy with him. Lets go home. I think you need a movie night and cuddles with your favorite brunette sister." Beca replied and the rest of the drive home was silent.

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