14. The Car Ride

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The next week, Beca just sits and listens to Chloe work. The place is busy and everyone has lines going crazy. Chloe answers a call. "Dial A Prayer."

The conversation moves on with Chloe just giving short answers to the caller and Beca ponders what it would be like to be the one taking the calls. The day seems to be going by pretty quickly and everyone seems to be having a good day. The prayers have gone up to more than just listening and Bill walks by seeming nothing, but happy. He moves the Prayer meter on the wall to A Difference.

After work, Chloe and Beca wait outside and Chase pulls up in front of them in his truck. Beca slides in the backseat and Chloe slips in the front passenger seat. He takes off out of the lot and starts a conversation. "So where are we headed? Hopefully not as far as last time." He said giving Chloe a quick glance.

The redhead half smiles. "North." She says. "Keep going."

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Beca speaks up. "So... I finished my most recent mix."

"Really?" Chase asks taking a glance at the brunette through the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah. I finished this morning. It's a mashup of Livin' Like A Prayer, Bulletproof, and Titanium. I know that might sound kind of like an odd mix for song choices, but it sounds aca-awesome. You can listen to it later. Not now while you're driving." The Dj said.

"That sounds really cool!"

Chloe is slightly blushing at the mention of her lady jam remembering the shower incident they had back in Beca's freshman year. When Beca sees this, she laughs. The redhead blushes more and buries her head in her hands. Beca finally calms down after a minute. "What's the matter, Chlo? Cat got your tongue?" The brunette asks smirking.

"Why are you blushing?" Chase asks.

Beca laughed again. "I mentioned her lady jam in the mix of songs and she's remembering my freshman year back in college."

"But that doesn't explain the blushing."

"She burst into my SHOWER a month after the Activities Fair on the first day and made me sing Titanium with her. Both of us STARK naked!" She laughed at the end.

Chase looked shocked, but then burst out laughing too. After a minute, they both calmed down. "O.M.G." Chase started. "And you're best friends with her?"

"Yeah. It was quite aca-awkward  at first when it happened. But then a month later, when I joined The Bellas, she pulled me so close to her face at the party, that I thought she was gonna KISS me. She just said she was glad she met me and that we were gonna be really fast friends. But it totally caught me off guard when she had her face only a few inches from mine."

Chloe turned around and slapped her sister in the chest. "Shut up!" She shouted, but couldn't keep the slight smile from forming on her face.

Beca just laughed. "Oh... you know you love me."

"Keep it up, and I'll ship you off to Aubrey's camp." The older girl said teasingly.

"You WOULDN'T!" Beca gasped.

"Only teasing!" The redhead laughed. "You're stuck with me. Beca and Chloe equals Bloe remember?"

"Oh man! Don't bring up Fat Amy's weird name for us. I swear that woman will be the death of me. First she takes twenty dollars from my purse every month and finds my Residual Heat intern badge, then confronts me about it, then she slips up at the camp and you and I argue for the first time, and then she says she doesn't want us to fight because we're Bloe and apparently everyone LOVES a good Bloe!"

Chloe laughs. "You're so dramatic, Becs. Relax. Besides, Amy is Amy. Nothing we can do."

"True. Though she's not the weirdest one of the group."

"True. I have to say Flo is the weirdest. Her and her stories of back home. I'll NEVER understand her."

"True about the stories, but I think LILLY is the weirdest. She's always saying random stuff that has nothing to do with our conversations and she keeps a PENNY under her tongue. I mean, who DOES that?!?"

Chloe finally concedes. "Good point. She told us about the penny thing the day Emily showed up and joined us. It was while we were discussing if she should be added to the group or not. The Bellas were saying weird negative stuff about the kid and Lilly randomly showed us the said penny under her tongue after telling us she keeps it there at all times."

"Dude! That's so weird." Beca replied.

"I know, right? I just ignored it for the time being, but that seriously caught me off guard taking us all off topic."

"Lilly will be Lilly. She's like a ninja and is quiet all the time, but then she does or says something totes out of the blue."


After another few minutes of silence, Chase spoke up. "This is the draw."

"I know. I mean it's not much, but... it's flat white surface, mean anything to you?" Chloe asks looking at him.

"Yeah. The newness." He replied glancing at her.

"Nothing's happened to it. So white." The redhead said smiling softly looking out her window.

"Yeah." He agreed. "It's VERY white. Doesn't that make it boring though? I mean, how long can it stay like this before it melts? Or a deer shits on it? Or a truck drives through it?"

"I know." Chloe replies and just smiles as the ride gets a comfortable silence fallen over it again. Beca giggles breaking that silence and making the redhead look at her. "What?"

The tiny Dj shakes her head. "Nothing."

"No. Seriously, what?"

"Nothing! It's just, you two would make a really cute couple. I haven't seen you this happy with a guy since Tom."

"UGGG! Don't bring him up, please. Tom was a jerk. I was foolish. I never should have dated the guy. He only wanted me for sex."

"You weren't a fool, Chloe. He was just an idiot. That's all."

"But I fell in love with him."

"And you will fall in love again. The guy was an idiot for not loving you the way you deserve." Beca said.

Chloe sighed and the rest of the ride was silent.

Pitch Perfect: After Graduation and Dial A Prayer CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now