25. Quitting The Job and Leaving Home

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The rest of the visit with Emily and the new Bellas went well. It's now the next early afternoon and Chloe is driving. She's looking around when she spots the woman she ran over walking along the sidewalk wearing the red coat she had on before. She quickly parks to the side making Beca confused. "Where are you going?"

Chloe ignores her getting out of the car and running to catch up with the woman. But when she gets to the corner, the woman is already gone. She looks up to the sky as it slowly starts to snow and thinks for a minute. She then runs back to the car and gets in driving off to her workplace.

Once there, the two women get out and walk inside. Chloe leads the brunette over to Bill who's standing at a filing cabinet looking for something. She taps his shoulder to get his attention. "Hey. Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure." He says and leads the girls to his office. He sits on the corner of his desk.

Chloe sits in the chair and Beca just stands behind her. "Do you think it mattered?" Chloe speaks up.

"What do you mean?"

"Me. Being here. Answering those phones those weeks? Did it matter?"

"I think it did. I KNOW it did."

"I don't know." Chloe started after slightly nodding at his response. "I wish I could take it all back."

Bill nodded. "I know."

"I guess I kinda liked all this. Believing that... that I could help. Make something happen."

"You have, Chloe. You know that."

The redhead nodded. "Maybe. But I don't know if any of... THAT matteres." She said looking at him. "The charts and the goals and the praying book binders." Bill chuckled with a smile. "Or what? To make us feel better about our own lives? I think... I think Siobhan's are the best. Miracles happen everyday. Everyday, everywhere. And ever, right?"

"Well, that's... that's ONE way of putting it."

"And I think you were right. I think... I KNOW... I'm done." She replied. "And I finally know what I'm supposed to do next."

Bill sighs nodding and glances at the floor before looking at her again. They both stand up and Chloe hugs him. Beca smiles and gently tugs on Chloe's sleeve making her look at her. The brunette gives her a small smile and Chloe smiles back. "You ready to go?" Beca asks.

"Yeah. Lets get out of here." The older girl replies and the two walk out.

"Take care of that girl, Chloe!" Bill calls.

Chloe slightly chuckles with a small smile and calls back. "Will do, Bill! Once a Bella, ALWAYS a Bella!"

Beca giggled and laced her arm through Chloe's laying her head on her shoulder as they walked out of the building. *Maybe Emily and the girls were right.* She thought. *Maybe I AM in love with my best friend.*

Chloe looks to her best friend and baby sister and smiles. *What would I do without you, Dj?* She thought. *Maybe Em WAS right. But I think I love Chase. He's a good guy. And Beca and I have ALWAYS been this close. The cuddling and stuff is just something that comes naturally. But that doesn't mean I'm in love with her, right?*

Letting her mind go blank again, the two girls walk out of the building back to the car.

Later that night, Chloe changes into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, an olive green cami underneath a red and olive green plaid 3/4 sleeve button-up, and a pair of black Converse. Beca stayed in the outfit she had on which was a pair of red skinny jeans, a black cami underneath her red plaid flannel, and her black ankle boots. The two walk into Mary's room and Mary is sitting on her bed. When she sees the girls, she smiles. "Going out?" Chloe and Beca smile and sit on the edge of the bed with Chloe facing her mother. "You know what? I'm picking up the turkey tomorrow and maybe we can get a bunch of stuff to..."

Chloe cuts her off. "That's great." They look at each other. "I'm sorry. About... about all of it. About everything I ever put you through. And I need you to know that I'm gonna be ok. I need you to know that."

"That rage was not you." Mary started shaking her head.

"It WAS me. It IS me. But you don't need to worry about it. You just need to let it be."

"I should have never left you to cry."

"What?" Beca and Chloe asked suddenly confused.

"When you were a tiny baby, it took forever to put you to sleep at night. It was... EXHAUSTING. So I got one of those books because that's what everybody else was doing and then, one night I just... I left you there calling out for I don't know how long. I don't know how long it was. Maybe an hour."

"Mom." Chloe cut her off.

"No, wait. Let me finish. I did that because I thought it was the right thing to do. But my gut was telling me that it was wrong and so many times since then, I... I have not been able to feel my own gut. And...and I'm sorry. I'm sorry that it started there with you. You know what? Sometimes, when we are lost, we listen to ALL the wrong instructions."

Chloe nodded. "I'm gonna be alright. I really think I'm gonna be ok."

"I know."

"Merry Christmas." Chloe said taking her hand.

"Merry Christmas." Mary whispered back with a smile.

Beca smiled and hugged them both. "Merry Christmas."

Chloe and Mary giggled at her then hugged her back. "You stay safe, Kiddo." Mary said to the brunette.

Beca pulled away and smiled. "I will, Mary. Besides, I got the best big sister to look after me." She said nudging Chloe in her side.

Chloe giggled and poked her cheek. "And don't you forget it."

Beca rubbed her cheek. "Ow! That hurt."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "Whatever. It did not."

"You're so mean."

"Oh, you know you love me." The redhead teased.

"Can't complain there." The brunette replied.

Mary smiled at the two and the two got up and left.

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