9. Repeated Call

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A few hours later, Chloe is sitting at her cubical waiting for a call and just as it rings, Bill walks up. "Chloe, early riser. As in early AND awake. You get me? We've had calls lined up since we opened." He said and walked away to check on Georgia. He then walks back. "We're here to incorporate alliteration. We went over this in the morning meeting. You'll find instructions at the front of the binders. A woman called in this morning asking for you specifically." He said then changed the subject. "Said you made a real difference for her. What'd she say? That... you were sent from above."

"Really?" Chloe asked disbelievingly.

"Really. I thought you should know." He replied with a smile then saw something. "Serena Belle, enough with the music. You got three lines blinking."

Serena Belle jumped at her boss then put the music down and got back to work. Chloe's phone rang as Bill walked away and answered line 7. "Dial A Prayer. This is Chloe." She said.

"Hi." Came a voice. "You remember me? From the parking lot?"

"What do you want?" She asked shaking her head in confusion.

"I'm hoping we can start over."

"Beyond a prayer, technically I'm not supposed to..."

He cuts her off. "Look, I came all this way and I wanted to meet you. I...I...I just really like to thank you properly."

Chloe softly scoffed. "This isn't happening."

"Look, let me buy you a cup of coffee. Please?"

"I don't know. I..."

"There's a perfect spot across from my hotel on Luckie Street."

"No. I... I don't know."

"What times are decent?"

"I shouldn't..."

"I promise. One cup of coffee. That's it." He said. "Or maybe..."

"Ok." Chloe caved cutting him off. "Ok." She said again and took the headset off.

Bill came over. "Let's always try to wrap it up..."

"Have a blessed day." Chloe cut him off.

"Thank you." He said walking off.

"Sure." Chloe responded to herself. She gathered her things and nudged Beca who looked up. "Time to go."

The Dj nodded and gathered her things quickly. As they walked out to the car, she spoke up. "You ok? You look a little flustered."

"It's that last call."

"What about it?"

"It was him."

Beca furrowed her eyebrows in confusion until she realized she meant the man from the parking lot the other day. "What the hell did he want?"

"Wants to buy me coffee."

"Why? That just seems strange."

"I know, but he begged me. I finally caved. I'm gonna go. He's staying at the hotel you were in before I came to pick you up."

"I'm coming with you. This guy seems really off. I don't know what, but something." The tiny brunette said.

"Good. Because I was gonna make you." Chloe replied and they got in the car.

Pitch Perfect: After Graduation and Dial A Prayer CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now