7. Party With The Old Group

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When the game was over, Beca had come back inside and saw Chloe really annoyed. She walked up to her big sister and best friend. "You ok there, Chlo-bear? You looked stressed or something." The tiny brunette Dj said.

The older redhead turned to her younger sister. "I'll tell you later. Just grab your stuff and lets go. I just wanna go home, take a shower and head to a bar for a drink. And I know just the place." She replied.

Beca did as told and the two former Bellas headed out.

Later that night, Chloe was standing outside the bar smoking a cigarette when some other people came out looking like her old group. "You guys wanna get out of here?" The one guy said. Everyone agreed and he turned to Chloe. "You wanna come too, Pretty?" He asked.

"Yeah. Let's do this." Chloe replied and threw out her cig.

Beca who was standing there beside her grabbed her wrist. "No, Chloe. Don't do this."

Chloe glared at her. "Fuck you, Beca. This is MY life." She said and dragged the younger woman with her knowing Beca only had a ride with her to get home anyway.

Beca felt tears well up in her eyes, but held them back. She groaned and followed.

It was about an hour or two later and the party was in full swing. They were at this guy's house. There was lots of drinking and drugs. Beca was in the car waiting for Chloe to come out so they could go home. Chloe was inside and had just done some cocaine. She had a beer and a cig. She put them down and the guy next to her on the couch kissed her. She kissed him back passionately then he dragged her to his room.

They were making out intensely until Chloe remembered something. She stopped and pulled away to sit up. She stumbled out of the room and took a swig of beer that was open sitting on the kitchen mantel. She ran into someone remembering the past few months. She spotted a piano and messed with the keys a little. Then she flipped a picture that was sitting in a frame on the top down. She stumbled out more and to the stairs as she took another swig of the beer and went to the bathroom. She put the beer down and got out her phone dialing a number. There was an automated message from Dial A Prayer where she worked. She just sat on the toilet seat and listened. After the beep, she hung up and thought for a minute.

Chloe had walked out of the house a few minutes later and opened the car door of her car. Beca who was asleep, woke up at the sound of the door opening and looked over to see her big sister and best friend messed up. "Chloe?"

"Just shut up, Beca. I'm not in the mood." The redhead replied and started the car. She drove off to head home and Beca just started to silently cry.

"Why did you do this? Chloe, I need my big sister. My BEST FRIEND! I can't deal with this shit along with my own. I need you and you're hurting yourself. More so after already being arrested. I can't live without my bubbly redhead. This person is NOT you. PLEASE just tell me why."

"I said SHUT UP!!" Chloe yelled angrily. "Just shut the fuck up! I can't deal with you right now."

That just made the tiny brunette cry harder and pull herself into a ball. *This is not my Chlo-bear. I want... no, I NEED my Chlo-bear back. I need my big sister. I need my best friend. I don't want to be alone again. I can't.* She thought to herself.

Pitch Perfect: After Graduation and Dial A Prayer CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now