Chapter 21

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Fair warning - this chapter continues in the police station, and since I have little to no knowledge of how police stations work, there may be some details that are innacurate.

Otherwise, please enjoy!  <3  ~Nikki Hudak~


Jenny was in the middle of recounting the events from the night before, having started from their arrival at the Luna del Lobo Country Club, when suddenly she was rudely interrupted by tall, broad, and freckled. She looked up at Officer Ethan Shaw just as he barked, "Is this you?"

He had stopped short before Jenny, the woman that appeared in an interesting video that Vanessa had just showed him. He held a phone inches from her face.

"Excuse me," she sassed. What the hell is his problem?

"Ethan?" Detective Daniela Byron asked. "What's going on?"

Just then a pissed-off Vanessa Vaughn finally caught up with Officer Shaw. Irritated that she had to chase after the man, who had commandeered her phone moments ago, she screeched, "What the hell do you think you are doing? Give me back my phone!" A slew of curse words were about to fly out of her mouth but then his words finally registered. Wait, she's in the video too? "Let me see that," she snapped as she tried to snatch back her phone, only to be thwarted by the Officer's hulking build as he effectively shifted to block her.

"I repeat, what's going on?" Detective Byron leaned over to see.

Jenny finally paid attention to the blinged-out electronic devise before her. What she saw surprised her. She turned to the Detective, pointed at the phone and said, "You want to know what happened just before she disappeared? Well just take a look."
"Who disappeared?" Ethan asked as Daniela took the phone from him.

She inspected the video for a moment before speaking, "Is this her?" She addressed Jenny, who nodded in response. "And is this where you last saw her?"

Before Jenny could respond, Vanessa jumped forward. "You were there! Tell me where the little bitch is at!"

The saucy brunette's reaction to the verbal attack was quick, but not as fast as Ethan's reflexes. He had Vanessa pulled back before the brunette's arm was halfway through its swing. Unfortunately, the punch landed squarely on his broad chest, which had no effect on him whatsoever. Not the same could be said for Jenny.

"Owwww!" She shouted, more out of frustration than pain, though her wrist did throb a bit. It felt like hitting solid stone. What the fuck do they feed these guys here? She absently wondered as she rubbed her sore fist.

"Ha!" Vanessa guffawed. "Serves you right." Turning to Ethan she added in a semi-breathy voice, "My protector!"

Her "protector" had had enough of the entitled priss. "Sit!" He commanded. Preventing the protest that he had known was about to exit those excessively coated lips, he "helped" her to sit. "Not another word!" The fierce expression in his eyes killed any statement that floated in her mouth. Vanessa slumped in the cheap plastic chair and pouted, not very prettily.

Turning to a shocked Jenny and smirking Daniela, he began to piece the puzzle together. "I'm sorry Miss, what was your name again?"


"Jenny, what happened at the Luna del Lobo Country Club last night?"

Though she was grateful he had put this Vanessa in her place, Jenny wasn't sure about his intentions, especially since the blonde bitch was somehow involved. Her instinct to protect her friend was strong. "You saw the video, didn't you?" She crossed her arms over her chest, a clear sign of her distrust.

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