Chapter 28 (Part 2)

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Thank you all for your continued support of this story. Your votes and comments mean so much to me. As a writer I am continuously growing in my craft and a part of that includes some hard lessons. As you read, you may notice a change. In previous chapters I used the word "Gypsy". I am formally apologizing as this is a derogatory term and hurtful to the various traveler peoples. For the duration of the story these characters shall be Romani. I am currently working my way backwards in the story and am unsure how long this will take. If you find any G-words that I missed, please let me know right away so I can correct it. I thank you for your understanding and again apologize for my error. (note: this paragraph will be repeated in future chapters to ensure all my readers have the opportunity to read this notice)


The darkness was pain, and for Leland it multiplied like a virus in his body. He hurt all over, from head to toe, mind to spirit. The abyssal ache emanated from the very root of his existence, and he couldn't seem to shake it. Worst of all, while floating in this agony, he was unable to block it, to block all of it. There was no stopping the onslaught of images that flickered to life, shimmering like ghostly apparitions, a vision of a traumatic past he had long buried in his subconscious.

"Ma?" twelve year old Leland called out. "Brent? Charles? Anybody home?"

No answer. An eerie silence fell over the house, and there was a strange metallic smell that hung in the air, lingering like a dark cloud before the storm. In spite of his growing unease, he slowly made his way towards the back bedroom, the one he shared with his brothers. A foreboding chill ghosted across his skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He knew something was wrong. His home was never this quiet, could never be this quiet, not with his younger brothers always causing trouble.

But there was nothing. Not one sound. No siblings jumping out at him to rattle his nerves. No mother berating him for tracking dirt in the house to teach him a lesson. Just the grim sound of his solitary footsteps making their way towards that ominous door. And with each step, the emptiness became a thunderous roar in his ears, a painful twist in his gut.

The closer he came to that room the louder his ears rang with a sharp warning that he had no choice but to ignore. Because something was calling to him, a sinister spell that commanded his attention. He reached up a trembling hand in answer, to touch the cool wood of the door, as if its smooth texture would somehow bring him comfort. But it felt hot to the touch. He nearly reared back in pain, except that it was his hand, slick with nervous sweat that burned in terrified anticipation. He couldn't help but feel as if he were about to walk into a living nightmare.

Slowly he turned the knob and eased the door open just a crack. The ancient hinges bellowed, and their creaky protest echoed in the stillness. The sudden noise nearly made him jump out of his skin, but determination had set in and an unexplainable need had him pulling open that door, in spite of his trepidation.

Standing in the doorway, he hesitated. Absolute darkness greeted him. He opened his mouth to whisper their names, but his voice was strangled by the cold grasp of fear. Needing to go forward, he took in a deep, quivering breath, and slowly crossed over the threshold. Barely one step in, he nearly tripped over something on the floor. Strangely curious, slightly unsteady, and completely unsure of himself, he tentatively felt around in the dark with his foot.

The familiar sound of his boot sliding across the old wooden floor did nothing to ease his rattled nerves. And when he felt as well as heard the soft THUD of the discovered mystery item, he froze.

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