Chapter 31

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Thank you all for your continued support of this story. Your votes and comments mean so much to me. As a writer I am continuously growing in my craft and a part of that includes some hard lessons. As you read, you may notice a change. In previous chapters I used the word "Gypsy". I am formally apologizing as this is a derogatory term and hurtful to the various traveler peoples. For the duration of the story these characters shall be Romani. I am currently working my way backwards in the story and am unsure how long this will take. If you find any G-words that I missed, please let me know right away so I can correct it. I thank you for your understanding and again apologize for my error. (note: this paragraph will be repeated in future chapters to ensure all my readers have the opportunity to read this notice)


Painful spasms seized his little, fevered body. Hot, cold. Hot, cold. Pain and more pain. Where was he? Was he dead? Young Leland did not know. The last he could remember was a morbid nightmare where his entire family was murdered by a demon dog. Such things could not be real, and yet... there he was, unable to move, unable to cry out from the insufferable pain that held him hostage, and his world was still dark. But he was not alone. Somehow he could feel the presence of others, like a pressure on his skin, as if they were pushing him, holding him down. Panic threatened to rise as muffled voices began to whisper in the abyss, but then his hearing slowly cleared.

"He is too young," a woman's voice caressed his ear. She was close. Close enough he could smell her perfume, Lilacs and fresh cut grass.

"We have no choice," a deep, male voice answered, "If we do nothing, the boy dies. At least this way he will have a chance."

"This is not our way. It should be his choice. He needs a healer..." the woman nearly begged.

"There is no time," another male interrupted, "I can smell death approaching. We must do all we can, considering what he survived. If there is even a chance that he is one of us, I must do what is necessary. That is also our way."

Leland could feel this other male come closer. The weight of his presence pushed down on him like a truck on his chest. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think.

"Hurry," the woman panicked.

The last thing little Leland could remember was a strange chant, sing-songed and echoed through his bones, just before a burning pain sliced through his shoulder. And he passed out.


With the flick of a switch, light illuminated the large office. Lonely footsteps echoed in the large room as Regent Alpha Collin Embree made his way to his desk. Falling into the oversized leather chair, he realized it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore his exhaustion, but ridding himself of his enemy was a daunting task that required some sacrifices.

"I'll sleep when I die," he mumbled to himself. He could practically taste victory, yet whenever the thought crossed his mind, something always rose up to block him... like a half-dead, young orphan found by a local pack. Why couldn't Leland have just died then? Collin wondered. My life would have been so much simpler. Instead the boy quickly turned into a nuisance that constantly disrupted his plans. If he were to be unsuccessful in ridding the world of Leland Moore, then it was obvious that the Lord Alpha's next step would be to take over as the Regent Alpha, and that was just not acceptable.

Quickly, he unlocked his drawer and rummaged through it until he found the burner phone he had stashed there. Pausing, he listened and waited for any signs of his servants nearby. When all was clear, he made the call.

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