He's. . . hot, popular, and proud.
She's. . . plain, eccentric, and persistent.
There's nothing common between them except that they hate each other. Not good, right? But why is he determine...
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ღ Finding Cinderella- 43 ღ
Okay, I had made up my mind.
I would get my shit together and take matters in my own hands this time.
I waited until after school to begin my quest. Julianne and I were hanging out at one of the tables in the courtyard. She was complaining about how Grey hadn't stopped bothering her to go to prom with him when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Ronnie and her cheerleaders striding toward the gym, carrying huge duffel bags over their shoulders.
I got up and ran. Julianne followed me, screaming, "Wait, Kylie! What are you gonna say?"
Honestly? I did not know what I was going to say. My insides were starting to do crazy somersaults, but screw all the what-ifs. That girl needed to know her place.
Upon reaching her, I poked her shoulder, making her stop and turn. The other girls did the same.
"I need to talk to you in private," I said, glowering at her. Ronnie was a few inches taller than I was, but I felt like I towered over her.
She gave her teammates a flick of her head to signal them to go ahead without her. Julianne also backed away to give us privacy. As soon as everyone else was out of earshot, I said with my voice low, "Ronnie, you may be gorgeous, popular, and pretty much the opposite of me, but listen to this."
I let it sink for a second. She raised one eyebrow as if she was daring me.
"Fuck you," I said.
Her jaw fell to her chest in an instant.
I barreled on, feeling more powerful every second. "Don't ruin someone's love life because you're unsatisfied with your own. Try that again, and I'll fucking shave your head."
Ronnie snapped her mouth shut, swallowing. Her usual confident air wavered as she tried to form a response.
"Okay," she said with a robotic bob of her head.
I narrowed my eyes at her. "That's it? That's all you've got to say? Are you mocking me, Ronnie?"
"No. I just don't know what else to say."
"You could apologize."
"I won't," she snapped. I blinked, my mouth forming an O. "I hold no regard for what pain you might have felt when you saw that picture. And I most definitely hold no regard for whatever you and he have gone through. I accept defeat, but I won't apologize."
That I could acknowledge. I wouldn't have forgiven her easily had she apologized anyway.
"Then I think the least you can do is to delete that picture," I demanded.