He's. . . hot, popular, and proud.
She's. . . plain, eccentric, and persistent.
There's nothing common between them except that they hate each other. Not good, right? But why is he determine...
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ღ Finding Cinderella- 2 ღ
Kylie wasn't talking to me.
Normally she would make the effort to pull a face at me or at least to murmur a death threat under her breath. But today in this unbearably dull English lesson, I wasn't even worth that.
She was probably still pissed over the breakup I'd had with Bella two days ago. Gotta admit—I very much enjoyed seeing her frustrated. Seeing her grind her teeth and ball her fists—her signature look—would never get old. Even thinking about it made me smile to myself.
When the bell rang, she quickly shot up from her seat and dragged Julianne behind. I was going to catch up with her, but my loyal subjects Clark Young and Grey Walter had already started tagging along with me.
Eh. I'd just talk to her when she cooled down.
As my friends and I began to talk about video games and stuff, making our way to the cafeteria, we were suddenly stopped in the middle of the hall. A crowd, composed mostly of girls, had hurriedly surrounded us.
"H-hey," one of the girls stammered. "We want to, um, give these to you."
And every one of them lifted those little bags and letters and greeting cards while giving me an expectant smile. I could only stare at them in confusion.
"Uh, cool," I said, "but what are these for?"
The girl blushed as if I had offended her. "Valentines...?"
What the hell, it's Valentines already? It felt like New Years was only yesterday. No wonder the girls were so obsessive today, and no wonder Kylie looked so pissed.
"Ah, apologies, ladies. I forgot the date," I said smoothly. "Anyway, thanks. You all are sweet." Winking, I took those little bags from their hands.
The girls giggled and whispered to each other as usual. I fought the urge to scowl. You know how many times I'd said those words per year? Maybe a hundred and one times. I couldn't care less about the gifts they gave me.
The crowd was getting huge at every passing second, yet I managed to make a clean getaway by thanking them as I walked away. They always irritated me but I never showed it. All these people could get so annoying. I'd been surrounded by praise my whole life as if I was a living monument or something. Sometimes these people made me forget who and what I really was.
Luckily, there was one person who reminded me who I really was... even though she didn't exactly like me, at all.
"You've certainly not lost your touch. I swear, every Valentine's Day, your personal magnetism only gets stronger," Clark remarked after we'd successfully sat down (ages later) at our usual spot in the cafeteria.
Apparently, a lot of girls hadn't gotten the chance to give me gifts yet, but we couldn't just spend the whole day collecting heaps of boxes and making empty thank-you speeches.