A Lot Has Changed

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It's been four years since we took down Daemontrias, everyone went their separate ways after a year. Jak became a professor at a university, Kat became a police officer, and Destinee Cane became a teacher. After the funeral she ended up hugging me and said 'She couldn't believe that Janice and I would meet so soon.'

I didn't get it at first but she explained to me that SHE was my mother who gave me to my current father. In other words Mr.Cane is my Dad and Janice was my.... well you get it. I would say I then had a whole other perspective on her being my actual sister but really it didn't.

I already loved her and saw her as my actual sister, I guess that's why I got along with her so quickly. Anyway, now Mr.Cane got a job as a chef in his own restaurant since he was such a good cook through all these years.

When Janice and Charlie death anniversary came around we all found time to meet up at my place. I now live in the house me and my dad lived in all out lives, my dad moved out and decided to literally see the world. Right now he's in London, he sent me a photo of him on the biggest feris wheel in the world.

He also finally has a girlfriend, she is just like him and hey have been together for three years. "Alex! Food is ready." I stood up and walked into the kitchen and a woman with a yellow apron, a white blouse, and blue jeans was cooking up something good.

I gave her a kiss and hugged her, "Good morning Charlotte, whatcha makin?" this is my girlfriend Charlotte Jones and she's my future wife. When I was in a state of depression since I couldn't protect my sister and she died, I met Charlotte during college. She kept me above water and really helped me get through it.

One day she needed a study buddy so I invited her to my house and it went off from there. After three years of being together she was struggling with money by living in her dorm so I decided to have her move in. Charlotte and Janice would've loved to meet.

*Knock Knock* I still hang out with Tyler like always, I went to the door and opened it finding Tyler and his girlfriend Ella. "Tyler you're on time." Ella laughed since she knows his time management more than anybody. Tyler gave me a bro hug and gave me a little shock in the process.

"Hey, what was that for?!" I was all tingly now that Tyler shocked me, "Oh I can't just let that insult just slip by." Ella lightly smacked Tyler on his back, "Hey don't use your powers." Tyler and Ella stepped inside and helped set up the table.

When Tyler me and Charlotte were having a movie night and she invited her best friend Ella and Tyler seemed to really like her. They have been together for two years, a while ago there was a car crash and me and Tyler used our powers to save the girls who saw the whole thing. I lifted the car and Tyler absorbed the car battery so the sparks wouldn't ignite the gas. I've learned to use my powers through out the years to make life at home easier.

It was 10:13 pm and we had a movie night and had some home made spaghetti, "Hey Alex."

"Yea Tyler?" I walked to the T.V. and started looking for a movie to put on. "Don't you think that since people like us exist that there's gonna be another person who want to rule the world too."

"Probably, but well be ready." I picked a comedy movie and put it in the DVD player. I sat down next to Charlotte and pressed play. "Hey Charlotte guess what movie were-" The power went out and everyone went quiet. Tyler got his phone out and turned on hie flashlight, "Did the power go out?" Ella said as she tried to turn the lights on.

Charlotte started walking out the backdoor, "I'll go check the power." Tyler grabbed her hand and pulled her back. "Alex."

"Yea, what happened?" He looked out the room and at the front door, "Someone's here..." I slowly walked to the front with Tyler behind me, "Tyler who is it?" The girls followed us up to the door, "Charlotte, Ella stay back you'll get hurt." They went back into the kitchen and watched from there.

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