Empowered Part 3

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I open my eyes with this constant pounding in my head.

I look around holding my head and find myself in a cell. I woke up on a metallic bed with a blanket used as a pillow. I get up and walk to the one way glass and try to break it so I can escape.

They don't budge, "Huh," I try again but they seem to be well.... Me proof, or at least for powers.

I look around me and everything looks so advanced, it's still a cell to keep me in but for people like me.

I try and freeze the glass and it works, the glass freezes, but it still dosen't break.

I use my telekinesis to try and break the glass, I feel that my powers are working but it don't even move.

I go and sit back down on the 'bed' and lay down.

After a few minutes I feel the same painful ringing in my head that I felt when I read Jo's mind.

"Oh yea, we had a fight... I lost. I wonder if the poison actually got to him, I guess he's here anyway."

I look at my wings and they seem to have healed already. "Exactly how long have I been here?" I ask myself caressing my feathers.

I hear a thump outside the sell and then Jo's voice, "Ow, I should have stood up before teleporting."

I walk up to the glass and try and look for Jo, all I see is my reflection though.

I try and cup my hands on the glass to try and see through. Still can't see a thing besides my own reflection.

"It's one-way glass bro. You can't see me," Jo says.

"I can feel you in my head though," I say back, "You're close."

"And you have a headache," He said, "It goes both ways."

"So you can read minds like me now?" I ask, "How?"

"I can copy powers. Apparently your other abilities aren't based on genetics. So my question is: where do they come from?" He asked.

I scoff and say, "Do you believe in magic? The metaphysical maybe?"

"I'm a man of science." He said

"Ah, I see. So your powers are based on genes huh?" I ask hoping I'm right.

"Yeah I guess only your telepathy is too. If not, I wouldn't be able to copy it. How do you that thing where you make armor?" He asks.

"Same way. The magic of the gods," I said.

He scoffs after what I said. "Really?" he says sarcastically showing he doesn't believe me.

"Jo is your name, right?" I ask.

I need to get out and find a way back, my wife Charlotte is probably freaking out.

"Mm hm," he said.

I walk back to my 'bed' and sit back down and asked, "So, why are you here? Why am I in a cell?"

I can barely hear Jo's footsteps but I can tell he's walking back and forth. He says, "I honestly don't know either. But I was hoping we could come to understand each other. We have the same power, so maybe we can learn about each other that way,"

"So what are you saying?" I ask.

"I need you to look inside my head. You have to understand me to be able to have your questions answered. So i'm going to let you in. Can I trust you?" he asks

Can I trust him, this could probably help me get in good terms with him so I could be let out.

I walk back up to the one way glass and ask, "Can I trust you?"

I hear him walk to the side of the cell and press some buttons. The mirror fades away and I can see through the glass now with Jo on the other side.

He looks at me and says, "Yes. Now get on with it." I see him close his eyes and I guess that's my que to go into his mind.

I look at him and concentrate, I can see all his memories that he has ever experienced, even those he holds dear to him.

I can see from when he was a child and what he did to an important friend, his girlfriend, hitting Jemma with lightning.... He almost killed her with his own powers, he feels guilty about it.

All his emotions he has ever felt, I can feel them all like I was living his life. I can see his family and how they spent time together, until a point in time when he came to a different place to control himself.

How he met so many people once he arrived to the school on the Island. How he met Kaira, Doc, and Drew. He even recently helped someone.

I snap out of it and take a big gasp of air feeling like I just absorbed another life.

I was trying to slow down my breathing and so was he, "Your turn," I close my eyes and take a deep breath to clear my mind.

I feel him going through my mind going through my memories, bad and good. To when I first met Janice to when I discovered I was adopted. All the training we went through and even... Janice's death.

Even recently when we found out she's alive I can even remember that feeling of knowing she was alive. Every memory and emotion, I can even recall Daemontrias and everything he has ever done to me, my family and friends.

Sadly Charlie actually died, I can even remember how it felt from hearing him snap. I don't like that feeling.

We snap out of it and I see a tear going down Jo's cheek. He wipes it off his cheek and looks at me, "Your life sucks." he says.

"Yours ain't sunshine either." I say sitting down beside the glass.

He looks at me and says, "Anyway, we cool now?"

I nod my head and say, "Yeah."

"We have to find a way to get you back. Doesn't look like my doppleganger is doing anything," He says.

"I'm sure there's a good reason. Can you get me out of here now?" I ask.

He then teleports inside the cell with me and he grabs my shoulder. I turn to him and he says, "Time to send you home."

He closes his eyes and teleports us into another room with all his friends still there. Now we have to figure out how to get home.


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